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china daily篇章讲解

China Daily 第二组 Bo Xilai, former secretary of the Chongqing Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and a former member of the CPC Central Committee Political bureau, was sentenced to life imprisonment on Sunday for bribery, embezzlement and abuse of power. 中共中央政治局原委员﹑重庆市委原书记薄熙来因犯受贿罪﹑贪污罪﹑滥用职权罪,于周日(9月22日)被判处无期徒刑。 薄熙来案“宣判” 济南中院宣布判决(announce the verdict),对薄执行无期徒刑(life imprisonment),剥夺政治权利终身(be deprived of political rights for life),并处没收个人全部财产(his personal assets were also confiscated)。这是对其受贿罪(bribery)、贪污罪(embezzlement)、滥用职权罪(abuse of power)数罪并罚(joinder of punishment for plural crimes)的结果。 薄熙来案“宣判” 法庭审讯常用表达 原告:plaintiff 被告:defendant 法庭指定律师:court-appointed attorney 反诉﹑反要求﹑反索赔:counter claim 藐视法庭:contempt of court 上诉:appeal 陪审团:jury 判决: verdict,judgement 反对无效:objection over ruled 反对有效:objection sustained 民事诉讼:civil lawsuit 刑事诉讼:criminal proceedings 不在现场证明:alibi 法庭审讯常用表达 Visa The United Kingdom will make it easier for Chinese nationals to apply for visas to visit the country , a move designed to lure more Chinese tourists as well as potential investors , several British officials said on Monday in Beijing . Summary: visa lure 英[l(j)??]美[l?r] means to trick them into a particular place or to trick them into doing something that they should not do. V;引诱;诱惑 eg: He lured her to his home and shot her with his fathers gun. 他把她诱骗到家里,然后用父亲的枪把她打死。 2. is an object which is used to attract animals, especially fish, so that they can be caught. n;诱饵; 诱惑;诱惑物 ? visa executive 英[?gzekj?t?v; eg-] 美[?ɡz?kj?t?v] 1.a person who has an important job as a manager of a company or an organization .n. 总经理;执行委员会;执行者;经理主管人员 Eg: advertising executive. …一位广告执行总监。 2.having the power to put important laws and decisions into effect. adj. 行政的;执行的 Executive authority行政当局 Executive board 执行董事会 Executive body 执行机构 visa 高考英语改革 Beijing education authorities plan to de-emphasise English scores on standardised tests, a sign that Chinas obsession with t



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