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三峡地下厂房顶拱典型块体研究夏露 1,李茂华 2,陈又华 2,王家祥 2,于青春 1(1. 中国地质大学 水资源与环境学院,北京 100083;2. 长江三峡勘测研究院有限公司,湖北 武汉 430074)摘要:岩石块体稳定性问题是三峡工程地下电站洞室工程的主要地质问题之一。电站主厂房洞室跨度大、边墙高,形成的临空边界宽大。本文介绍块体软件 GeneralBlock 的基本分析过程,并采用 GeneralBlock 软件建立三维岩石 块体模型,对顶拱进行块体识别和稳定性分析。根据块体识别及分析结果,并考虑各块体内的组合形式,设计、 施工了相应的预应力锚索或锚杆加固处理,并对锚杆、锚索和块体进行系统监测。监测结果表明,块体变形控制 在 2 mm 以内,锚杆应力和锚索损失率保持稳定,锚固效果较好。 关键词:岩石力学;三峡工程;地下电站;顶拱块体识别;加固措施;安全监测中图分类号:TU 45文献标识码:A文章编号:1000–6915(2011)增 1–3089–07STUDY OF TYPICAL BLOCKS IN VAULT OF THREE GORGESUNDERGROUND POWERHOUSEXIA Lu1,LI Maohua2,CHEN Youhua2,WANG Jiaxiang2,YU Qingchun1(1. School of Water Resources and Environment,China University of Geosciences,Beijing 100083,China;2. Three GorgesGeotechnical Consultants Co.,Ltd,Wuhan,Hubei 430074,China)Abstract:The stability of block is one of the key geological issues in the underground powerhouse caverns in theThree Gorges Project. Large-scale blocks can be easily developed due to enormous excavated surface associated with large spans and high side walls in underground caverns. The basic analysis process of GeneralBlock softwareis presented. First,the 3D block model is set up by GeneralBlock in order to identify and analyze the associatedstability problem of rock block in vaults. Based on the modeling results,design and construction of effective reinforcement in accordance with combination of different types of rock blocks are put into practice. In addition,system monitorings for bolts,cables and blocks are set up. The safety monitoring results show that the deformation of block is less than 2 mm,and the stress of anchor bar and loss rate of cable remain stable. These outcomesindicate generally an effective reinforcement.Key words:rock mechanics;Three Gorges Project;underground water power station;block identification in vault;GeneralBlock software;reinforcement;safety monitoring围岩整体稳定性很少遭到质疑。但岩体局部稳定性一直是工程技术人员非常关心的问题之一。而对于 裂隙硬质岩体中的大型地下洞室,顶拱块体稳定问 题尤为重要。洞室围岩中结构面(如裂隙等)与开挖 面组合切割总能形成一定不同类型、不同规模的块引言1三峡工程坝区岩体为坚硬的花岗岩。坝区主要建筑物如船闸、地下发电厂房等大型岩体建筑物的收稿日期


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