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第 6 期 刘建东等: 基于耦合帐篷映射的时空混沌单向 Hash 函数构造 ·1· 通 信 学 报 Journal on Communications 第 28 卷第 6 期 Vol.28 No.6 2007 年 6 月 June 2007 基于耦合帐篷映射的时空混沌单向Hash函数构造 刘建东,付秀丽 (北京石油化工学院 信息工程学院,北京 102617) 摘 要:提出一种基于耦合帐篷映射的时空混沌单向 Hash 函数构造方案。与帐篷映射相比,该方案所采用的离 散耦合帐篷时空混沌模型避免了有限精度实现产生的短周期行为,产生的时间序列近似服从均匀分布,具有更为 理想的扩散与混乱特性。利用该模型实现了任意长度明文序列单向 Hash 为 128 位 Hash 值的算法。时空混沌系统 的初态作为密钥,具有很大的密钥空间。Hash 值与相应的明文消息及密钥有着敏感、复杂的非线性强耦合关系。 理论分析与仿真实验结果表明,该方案与现有混沌 Hash 算法相比,既有好的安全性,又有高的执行效率,???足 单向 Hash 函数的各项性能要求。 关键词:Hash 函数;帐篷映射;时空混沌;耦合映像格子 中图分类号:TP309,TP393 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-436X(2007)06-0030-09 Spatiotemporal chaotic one-way Hash function construction based on coupled tent maps LIU Jian-dong, FU Xiu-li (Department of Information Engineering , Beijing Institute of Petro-Chemical Technology,Beijing 102617,China) Abstract: A novel coupled tent maps-based spatiotemporal chaotic cryptographic Hash function was proposed. Compared with the discrete tent map, the coupled discrete tent spatiotemporal chaotic maps have longer computer-realization-period, nearly uniform distribution and desired diffusion and confusion properties. Based on the coupled discrete tent spatiotemporal chaotic maps, a cryptographic Hashing function is constructed to generate 128-bit Hash value from a message with arbitrary length. The approach uses the initial value of coupled discrete tent chaotic dynamical system iteration as the secret key. The key space is very large. There is a high sensitivity and complex and strongly nonlinear coupling relation between the Hash value and the corresponding message and secret key. Theoretic analysis and simulation results are shown that the approach possess not only extremely high security in comparison with earlier chaotic Hash functions, but also the high execution speed. Therefore, the approach can satisfy all the performance requirements of Hash function, such as one-way, key sensitivity and collision resistance. Key words: Hash function; tent map; spatiotemporal chaos; coupled map lattice 密钥的 Has


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