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*基于粗糙集理论的危险货物运输风险分析 高清平 讲师( 浙江师范大学 工学院,浙江 金华 321004)学科分类与代码: 6203070( 安全系统工程)中图分类号: X937文献标志码: A基金项目: 浙江师范大学博士科研启动基金资助( ZC304010091) ;浙江师范大学 2011 年度青年科学基金资助( KYJ06Y11013) 。【摘 要】 为解决不确定环境中危险货物运输风险分析问题,针对风险数值分析等方法无法识别 构成风险的主要因素和次要因素,无法获得因素重要度,以及不能揭示风险因素与风险之间的因果 关系等问题,提出基于粗糙集理论的危险货物运输风险分析方法。首先将原始样本进行属性约简和 规则约简,获得各个属性的重要度,识别影响危险货物运输安全的主要因素和次要因素; 然后,通过 对原始样本进行实例推理,推导出危险货物运输事故规律; 最后通过算例验证模型和算法的有效性。 结果表明,道路的平纵曲线半径是影响危险货物运输安全的最重要因素,其次是驾驶员因素和运输 车辆因素。【关键词】 风险分析;粗糙集理论; 属性约简;实例推理;因素重要度;因果分析Risk Analysis for Hazardous Materials TransportationBased on Rough Set TheoryGAO Qing-ping( College of Engineering,Zhejiang Normal University,Jinhua Zhejiang 321004,China)Abstract:In order to perform risk analysis for hazardous materials transportation in an uncertain environ-ment,and in view of the fact that the risk numerical analysis method can not distinguish major and minorinfluence factors and can not obtain factors' weights as well as can not reveal the“cause-result”relations of risk events,a new risk analysis method for hazardous materials transportation was presented based on rough set theory. Firstly,attribute reduction and rule reduction were performed on the primary samples. Second- ly,case-based reasoning was performed to find objective laws of transportation accidents. Finally,the ap- plication of the model and its algorithm were illustrated with numerical examples. The results show that the most important factors that impact the transportation safety are the vertical curve radius and horizontal curve radius,and the driver and vehicle factors take the second place.Key words:risk analysis;factors' weights;rough set theory;attribute reduction;case-based reasoning;cause and consequence analysis* 文章编号: 1003 - 3033( 2011) 11 - 0103 - 06;收稿日期: 2011 - 08 - 15;修稿日期: 2011 - 09 - 23中 国China安 全Safety科 学 学 报第2 1 卷201 1 年·104·ScienceJournal简 ,获得问题的决策或分类规则 ; 它 的 出 发 点 是根 据 目 前 已有的给定问题的知识将问题的 论 域 进 行 划 分 ,然 后 对 划分后的每一个组成部分确定 其 对 某 一个概念的支持程度 。 它的特点是无需 给定所需数据之 外 的 先 验 知 识 ,仅从给定问



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