基于J函数的含油饱和度建模方法 —以陆丰A 油田为例.pdfVIP

基于J函数的含油饱和度建模方法 —以陆丰A 油田为例.pdf

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基于J函数的含油饱和度建模方法 —以陆丰A 油田为例

Open Journal of Nature Science 自然科学, 2017, 5(5), 437-444 Published Online November 2017 in Hans. /journal/ojns /10.12677/ojns.2017.55060 Modeling Method of Oil Saturation Based on J Function —Taking Lufeng A as an Example 1 1 1 1 2 Zong Dai , Yidong Zhu , Wei Li , Zilong Ju , Chen Xu 1 Institute of CNOOC Shenzhen Branch, Shenzhen Guangdong 2 Essca Energy Science Consulting Associate, Beijing th th th Received: Oct. 27 , 2017; accepted: Nov. 9 , 2017; published: Nov. 16 , 2017 Abstract With the development of water injection, the parameters of the reservoir change accordingly. Be- cause of the influence of flooding, there is a significant difference between the oil saturation of logging interpretation and the original oil saturation of reservoir, and it cannot represent the original distribution of oil reservoir. According to the average capillary pressure curve, the origi- nal oil saturation of each type of reservoir is calculated by flow unit, and a model of oil saturation based on J function is established. The error of oil saturation in logging interpretation at different drilling periods is reduced. Therefore, this work is important for reserves recalculation and re- servoir numerical simulation. Keywords Lufeng A Oil Fields, J Function, Saturation Model, Logging, Capillary Curve 基于J函数的含油饱和度建模方法 —以陆丰A 油田为例 1 1 1 1 2 戴 宗 ,朱义东,李 威 ,居字龙,徐 辰 1 中海石油( 中国)有限公司深圳分公司,广东 深圳 2 阿什卡能源科学咨询服务联合公司,北京 收稿日期:2017年10月27 日;录用日期:2017年11月9 日;发布日期:2017年11月16 日 文章引用: 戴宗, 朱义东, 李威, 居字龙, 徐辰


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