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华东电力试验研究院 (200437)
潘丽华 赵智渊 朱向群
摘 要 神木煤是上海地区主要动力用煤煤种, 但其灰熔点较低, 燃烧时出现不同程度的结焦。为此, 以神木
煤为主体, 选择了大同煤作为主要的混配煤种, 并按不同的混配比进行调质试验研究。试验结果表明: 1) 用大 同煤对神木煤调质, 能有效改善结焦性能。 当混配比为 85∶15~ 80∶20 的范围时, 能提高灰熔点 90℃; 2) 选 用灰熔点高 (T F 1500 ℃) 的大同煤, 调质效果最佳; 3) 通过热分析试验证明, 调质不影响煤的燃烧性能。上述 试验结果说明, 电厂采用神木煤为主体, 并掺入恰当比例的大同煤作为燃料时, 能改善结焦性能并维持炉膛的 稳定燃烧。
关键词 燃煤调质
A bstrac t
Sh enm u Co a l is th e m a jo r co a l fo r pow e r p lan t u se in Sh angh a i a rea, bu t it h a s a d isadvan tage o f
low a sh fu sing po in t and a va r ia ty deg ree o f slagg ing is o cu r red w h ile in bo ile r op e ra t io n and, fo r th is rea so n ,
a re sea rch p ro g ram o f a sh fu sing po in ad ju stm en t fo r Sh enm u co a l w a s ca r r ied o u t. D a to ng co a l, a h igh a sh fu sing po in t co a l suff ic ien t ly ava ilab le in sh angh a i, w a s cho sen a s th e co a l fo r m ix ing p u rpo se and d iffe ren t m ix ing ra t io o f bo th co a l w e re te sted se r ia lly. T h e re su lt s show ed th a t: 1. T h e Sh enm u2D a to ng m ix tu re w ill
effec t ive ly im p ro ve th e slagg ing ch a rac te r ist ic o f bo ile r s. and a 90℃ inc rea se o f a sh fu sing po in t is o b ta ined
w ith a m ix ra t io range o f 85: 15~ 80: 20;
T h e be st re su lt o f ad ju stm en t can be o b ta im ed u sing D a to ng co a l
w ith a a sh po in t h igh e r th an 1500℃, and 3. T h e th e rm a l ana ly sis o f co a l revea led th a t th e com bu st io n p e rfo r2
m ance o f co a l is no t effec ted by th e ad ju stm en t. It is f ina lly co nc luded th a t, u sing Sh enm u co a l a s m a jo r fue l w ith a p rop e r m ix tu re ra t io o f D a to ng co a l w il reduce th e slag2fo rm ing tendency in bo ile r fu rnace w h ile st ill
m a ita in a stab le com bu st io n co nd it io n.
Key W ords
ana ly sis o f co a l
qua lity ad ju stm en t o f co a l
bo ile r fu rnace slagg ing
co a l a sh fu sing po in t
th e rm a l
东胜神木煤田位于陕西、内蒙交界处, 该煤
田蕴藏量大, 可开采量近千亿吨。其煤种具有发 热量高、
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