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Advances in Psychology 心理学进展, 2012, 2, 52-59 doi:10.4236/ap.2012.22009 Published Online April 2012 (/journal/ap) The Dimensions, Relationship and Related Research * Area Extensions of Psychological Distance Shengxu Hua, Houchao Lv School of Psychology, Southwest University, Chongqing Email: huashxu@126.com, houchao928@163.com Received: Jan. 21st, 2012; revised: Feb. 6th, 2012; accepted: Feb. 14th, 2012 Abstract: Psychological distance is egocentric: its reference point is the self in the here and now, and the different ways in which an object might be removed from that point—in time, in space, in social distance, and in hypotheticality—constitute four different distance dimensions. The different psychological distances would have automatic associations, and they would also affect and be affected by each other. Several re- searches have shown that psychological distance would be extended to many other related research areas that go beyond the four dimensions, such as social power, ownership vs transactions, proximal vs distal senses, novelty, affect, and so on. Future researches should extend the research field of psychological distance. It is also important to include the research of psychophysics. For example, how do objective distances map onto generalized psychological distance? How do different distances combine to affect psychological distance? And so forth. Keywords: Psychological Distance; Temporal Construal; Distance Dimension; Construal Level Theory 心理距离的维度、关系及相关研究领域扩展* 华生旭,吕厚超 西南大学心理


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