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大学英语4辅导资料十五 主 题:Unit 5 课后部分习题的答案与讲解 学习时间:2010年7月26日-8月1日 内 容: Exercise 1 Fill in the blanks with words or expressions chosen from the following list. Change the form where necessary. at times deceive utter brutal suspicion in the first place distort keep...in the dark refrain from conceal in the eyes of betray go to great lengths corruption in the long run for one’s own sake contrary to promote tolerate bring...to a close Her suggestion may sound reasonable to you, but in the eyes of everybody else I’m afraid it may seem ridiculous.(也许他的建议在你听来有道理,可是在别人的眼里,它简直太可笑了。) Some doctors believe it is brutal to tell dying patients the truth about their condition because they may become so distressed as to commit suicide.(有的医生认为把病情告诉垂死的病人太残忍,因为这些病人可能会非常沮丧以至于自杀。) We note with satisfaction that all these activities have helped to promote mutual understanding and friendship between our two countries.(我们满意地看到,所有这些活动已经促进了我们两国之间的理解和友谊。) Contrary to the belief of some doctors, even very old and sick people want to know the details of their illness so that they can prepare for death in their own special way.(和一些医生的想法相反,即使年纪很大,病情很重的人也想知道他们病情的细节,这样他们就可以以自己独特的方式为死亡做准备。) Corruption in government is not tolerated in any country that wants to achieve rapid economic growth and improve the life of its citizens.(在任何一个希望经济快速增长,人们生活水平提高的国家,政府中的腐败都不可容忍。) Mary betrayed her friends by going back on her words.(玛丽违背诺言,背叛了她的朋友。) The author brings the first chapter of his book to a close by giving a brief account of the advances science has made since liberation.(作者通过简略地介绍解放以来科学界所取得的成就来结束他著作的第一章。) Naturally, we do not like being kept in the dark about anything that has a great deal to do with ourselves.(自然,我们不喜欢在与自己紧密相关的问题上被蒙在鼓里。) It pays in the long run to introduce new techniques.(从长远来看,引进新技术是值得的。) Mrs. Queen gave us a distorted a


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