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1001 HearthstoneProblem Description??Cdfpysw loves playing a card game called Hearthstone.??Now he has N cards, he wants to split these cards into 4 piles. Lets assume the number of cards in each pile is a1, a2, a3, a4.??It must be satisfied that:????a1 * k1 = a2 + a3 + a4????a2 * k2 = a1 + a3 + a4????a3 * k3 = a1 + a2 + a4????a1, a2, a3, a4 must be positive??Because Cdfpysw is clever, there must be a way to split there card. Can you tell Cdfpysw what is the way??Input??The first line is an integer T, means the number of cases.??Then T lines, each line contains 4 integers, N, k1, k2, k3, meaning of these have been shown in the description.??T = 100??1 = N = 109??1 = k1, k2, k3 = 200?Output??For each case, you should output Case #i: first, i is the case number.??Then output 4 integers a1, a2, a3, a4, represent the number of cards in each pile.?Sample Input1120 2 3 4?Sample OutputCase #1: 40 30 24 261002 Dual horsetailProblem Description??Nanayas favorite Dual horsetail robot has run out of power!??As a best friend of Nanaya, Cdfpysw decide to do something for him.??Cdfpysw, the king of alpaca, has some very powerful energy balls numbered by 1,2,3……n. He let Nanaya divide them into some sets to save the robot.??However, if there are three balls whose numbers are labeled X,Y and XY in the same set, they will explode! Nanaya must divide these balls into some sets and avoid explosion.??Nanaya is a shy man, he dont want to divide these balls into too many sets. Please tell him the minimum number of sets.?Input??The first line contains an integer T, indicating the number of cases.??The next T line, each line contains an integer n indicating the number of balls. (1 = n = 109)?Output??For each test case in the input, print one line: Case #X: Y, where X is the test case number (starting with 1) and Y represents the minimum number of sets.?Sample Input223?Sample OutputCase #1: 1Case #2: 21003 TriangleProblem DescriptionThis is a simple question, give you a triangle, please di


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