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English Homework Course 2 Unit 6 Text A: I’m GOING TO BUY THE BROOKLYN BRIDGE 短语: Resist the temptation 抵制诱惑;be consumed with 因…而心劳神疲;consume away 消耗 Item by item 逐条;hit/strike home 言语等击中要害;get one’s act together 将自己的各事安排的有条不紊;urge sb.to do 催促某人干某事;achieve/have one’s heart’s desire 达成某人的目标;bide one’s time 等待良机;at intervals 断断续续的;move on to 转而干某事;race the clock 争分夺秒的工作;put pencil/pen to paper 动笔写 句型: It seems to do sth. Eg: It seemed to say, are movers and shakers—not only during office hours, but in their spare time as well. It’s sb. who do sth. Eg: When my faith in myself falter, it’s they who urge me on,whispering,”Go for it, lady!”. Text B: BEGINNING ANEW 短语: take/get/gain credit for sth. 因…获得荣誉或赞赏;soak up 吸收,吸取;at every opportunity 利用一切机会;weight down 使忧心忡忡;take back 收回,取回;set out to do sth. 着手做某事;in control of sth. 对…有控制权或支配权;seek after 寻找,设法得到;have courage to do 有勇气干某事;walk the floor 来回踱步;a breath away 一步之遥;early mid-life crisis 更年期;make a fresh start 重新开始;help with expenses 补贴家用;take back one tear 后悔; 句型: It turn out to be… Eg: It turned out to be a journey well worth the effort. As …as… Eg: He was as worried as I was. What would I do… Eg: What would I tell my husband and what would be his reaction? It’s not so much A as B. Eg: It’s not so much the results of the action that have reshaped me as it is the realization I have within myself what it takes to do what I set to do. Unit 7 Text A:THE GLORIOUS MESSINESS OF ENGLISH 短语: ban sb. from doing sth. 禁止某人干某事;strictly speaking 严格地说;to a…extent 从某种程度上来说;language of the planet 全球性的语言;stir up 提神;descend the stairs 下楼梯;descend from 起源于;come up with 想出;pass sth. on to sb. 把…传递给某人;put into practice 付诸实践;strike out 开创;intellectual elite 知识分子精英; 句型: There is something that… Eg: There is something direct to the heart that speaks to us from the earliest words in our language. Sth. would not have been … Eg: The English language would not have been what it is if the English had not been for centuries great respecters of the


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