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1.下列application应用右边的类定义代码。借助application的代码完成右边的类定义框架: 2.创建一个Order类并设计一个application进行测试. Order类要完成以下的工作: add a certain number of coffees to the order (cost of a coffee $3) add a certain number of cakes to the order (cost of a cake $4) set the order to paid obtain a description of each order obtain the total cost of the order 以下的例子是当创建2个Order对象时,测试时的输出结果: 3.为MyPoint类补写 equals() 方法: 完成测试equals() method的程序: 4.写出下列程序执行的结果: public class GG { private int age; private String name; private int wins, losses; public GG(String s,int a){…} public boolean isReadyToRace(){ … } public String toString(){ … } public void addToAge(int n){ … } public void addToWins(int n){ … } public void addToLosses(int n){ … } public int getTotalRaces(){ … } } public class UsesOrder{ public static void main(String[] args){ Order o1, o2; o1 = new Order(2, 2); o2 = new Order(2, 1); o1.addCoffees(1); o2.addCakes(3); o1.addCoffees(1); o1.setIsPaid(true); o2.setIsPaid(false); System.out.println(o1.toString()); System.out.println(o2.toString()); } } } } public class Order{ numCoffees = nCoff; numCakes = nCakes; } public void addCoffees(int numToAdd){ numCoffees += numToAdd; } public void addCakes(int numToAdd){ numCakes += numToAdd; } public void setIsPaid(boolean paid){ isPaid = paid; } public int getTotal(){ return numCoffees*3 + numCakes*4; } public String toString(){ String orderInfo = “New Order: \n”; orderInfo += numCoffees+“ Coffees $”+ numCoffees*3+“\n”; orderInfo += numCakes + “ Cakes $”+ numCakes*4+“\n”; orderInfo += “ Total $”+ getTotal() +“ ”; if (isPaid) orderInfo += “ has been paid \n”; else orderInfo += “ not paid \n”; return orderInfo; } } public class MyPoint{ private int x; private int y; public MyPoint(int xValue, int yValue){ x = xValue; y = yValue; } public int getX(){ return x; } public int getY(){ return y; } public String toString(){ return “(” + x + “,” + y + “)”; } public boolean equals(MyPoint otherPt){ if (x == otherPt.x y== oth


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