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英语主题句的写法 英语写作绝大多数情况下都要求写出一个表明中心思想的主题句,并围绕该主题句展开,扩展成段落。中文却没有明确规定要写出主题句。 英语段落的主题句的好坏直接关系到段落是否成功。写好主题句必须注意一下几个方面: 1)主题句必须是个完整的句子 Learn to operate a computer. Anyone can learn to operate a computer. 2)主题句内容要清楚。不能模棱两可,含糊其词。 Internet plays an educational role in our daily life. The major cause of air pollution is automobile exhaust fumes in big cities. 3)主题句内容要具体。 To improve listening comprehension, one needs to acquire some listening skills. Country life is in many respects superior to city life. 但描写具体细节的句子不能用作主题句。 *A gunman killed two workers late on Sunday in a factory. The workers in this factory began to show great concern about their safety. 作文题目: Should College Students Take Part-time Jobs? *A part-time job is very interesting. However, it also has its disadvantages. Undergraduate students who take part-time jobs can learn a number of things not taught in the classroom. However, it also has its disadvantages. For my part I won’t be interested in taking a part-time job unless I have plenty of time for it. *Dr. Smith is my English teacher. Dr. Smith is the best English teacher I have ever known. *Sports are dangerous. Mountaineering is a dangerous sport. *To read English novels is good for us. To read English novels is very helpful for our English study. *I sent my girl-friend a diamond ring on her twentieth birthday. I love my girl-friend more deeply than before. *All students moved to new apartment buildings last week. The living conditions of our students have been improving greatly. *Today more and more women are going out to work. Today women are playing a more and more important role in our society. Colors of clothing often reflect your mood. Red makes you feel aggressive and alive. Blue, on the other hand, can be calm or it can be depressing. If you wear yellow you will probably feel cheerful. Black can look smashing(极好的) and chic(别致的), or it can look drab(单调的,无生气的), depending on how you accent(强调,重视) it. Probably the worst color to wear at all is gray. Wearin


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