● Major Writers 1-The Renaissance.doc

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● Major Writers 1-The Renaissance

The English Renaissance I. Poets A. 怀亚特萨里伯爵怀亚特 [Wyatt, Thomas] ? 又作Thomas Wyatt,后称托马斯爵士(Sir Thomas)。 born 1503, Allington, near Maidstone, Kent, Eng. died Oct. 6, 1542, Sherborne, Dorset English poet. A member of the court circle of Henry VIII, he was apparently admired for his skill in music, languages, and arms. He served a number of diplomatic missions, but his reputation rests on his poetic achievements, especially his introduction into English literature of the Italian sonnet and terza rima verse form and the French rondeau. His works, unusual for their time in carrying a strong sense of individuality, include Certayne Psalmes …drawen into Englyshe meter (1549), three satires, and songs. (1503,英格兰 肯特 梅德斯通附近的阿灵顿~1542.10.6,多西特 舍伯恩) 英国诗人,是亨利八世宫廷圈子的成员,因风度翩翩,精通音乐、语言和兵器而受赏识。曾多次担任外交使节。他以诗歌而闻名,把意大利的十四行诗和三行连环韵诗以及法国的回旋曲引进英国文学中。他的诗有强烈的个性,在当时颇不寻常。作品有《赞美诗若干首,依英韵咏作》(1549),三部讽刺诗和歌曲。 萨里伯爵 [Surrey, Earl of] ? (1517,英格兰 赫特福德?~1547.1.13,伦敦) born 1517, Hunsdon, Hertfordshire, Eng.? died Jan. 13, 1547, London English poet. Because of his aristocratic birth and connections, Surrey was involved in the jockeying for place that accompanied Henry VIIIs policies. After returning to England in 1546 from a campaign abroad, he was accused of treason by his rivals. After his sister admitted he was still a Roman Catholic, he was executed at age 30. Most of his poetry was published 10 years later. With Sir Thomas Wyatt, he introduced into England the styles and metres of the Italian humanist poets, laying the foundation of a great age in English poetry. He translated two books of Virgils Aeneid, marking the first use in English of blank verse and was the first to develop the sonnet form used by William Shakespeare. 英国诗人。由于其贵族出身和背景,伴随着亨利八世的政策,萨里卷入一场争权夺利的斗争中。1546年从国外战场返回英格兰后,被对手指控犯有叛国罪。后来他的姐姐确认他依然是天主教徒,随后被处死,享年30岁。大多数诗歌在其死后10多年才发表。萨里与T.怀亚特一起将意大利人文主义诗人的风格和韵律介绍到英国,为英国诗歌伟大时代的来临奠下基础。他翻译了两卷维吉尔的《埃涅阿斯纪》,首次在英语中使用无韵诗。他还最先发展了莎士比亚采用的十四行诗形式。 B. 斯宾塞 [Spenser, Edmund] (1552/1553,英格兰 伦敦~1599.1.13,伦敦) born 1


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