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西餐点菜服务英语 ? 点菜服务 Taking Orders 经典对话 西餐正餐?????? W=Waiter??? G=Guest W: Good evening. Would you like to order now? G: Yes, I’d like to start with shrimp cocktail虾尾小菜(虾仁杯), then the veal cutlet(炸小牛排), I’ll have a vanilla ice-cream for dessert, and some coffee with cream. W: I’m sorry, the veal cutlet is not being served today, but we have sirloin steak(腰眼牛排), it’s very delicious. Would you like to try it, sir? G: That sounds like a good idea, I’ll have a sirloin steak. W: How do you like your steak done, sir? G: Rare, please. W: OK. G: Please bring me two slices of bread and butter with the soup. 上汤的时候请带两片面包和黄油给我。 W: Yes, sir. Can I get you something to drink with your meal? G: I’ll have a gin and tonics with lemon and ice, please. 我要杯带柠檬和冰块的奎宁杜松子酒。 W: Will there anything else, sir? G: No, thanks. I think that’s enough. W: Yes. So one shrimp cocktail, a cup of coffee with cream, a gin and tonic with lemon and ice and two slices of bread and butter. And the main course is a rare sirloin steak. G: Thank you. W: Thank you, sir. Just a moment please, I’ll go place your order and get it for you right away. 推荐菜品 W: What would you like to order? G: I can’t decide. W: Today’s special is beef steak with onion. It is always a favorite with our customers. And our house specialty(招牌菜) is roast leg of lamb. G: No. I’m not that hungry. What else do you recommend? W: Perhaps you’d like some sole(鳎鱼)? G: That would be fine. W: Would you like some salad with it, sir? G: Yes, please. A mixed salad. And may I have some rice with the sole, please? W: Yes, sir. 常用英语句型百宝箱 一、?????????? 询问是否可以开始点菜 1、Here is the menu / wine list / dessert menu, sir. The waiter will be here to take your order. 2、Please take your time, I’ll be back to take your order. 请慢慢选择,我一会儿来为您点菜。 3、Excuse me, sir. May I take your order now? 4、Are you ready to order, sir? 5、Are you ready to order or you need another minute? 二、?????????? 关心客人的饮食禁忌、喜好及特殊需要 1、Would you like to have table d’hote, or a la carte??? 您选择套餐还是零点呢? 2、W


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