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This paper mainly illustrates my understanding of certain aspects of architectural design. Including building awareness of the relationship between function and form, the structure of the United States on building the understanding and the relationship between architecture and technology. Architecture scholars point of view by introducing, to enrich and improve my own design philosophy. The design put forward their own future direction and vision on the architectural design.
Function and form Design philosophy
Architecture scholar Architectural design
一、 My design ideas······································3
1.1 On the buildings function and form······················3
1.2 The beauty of the building structure······················3
1.3 Architecture and high-tech·····························4
二、 Some architectural scholars’understanding about the function and form of construction····································5
三、 My own future design direction·························7
四、 On the architectural design of the future·················7
一、 My design ideas
1.1 On the buildings function and form
For a building design, I think that as important as form and function. Function can not be over-emphasized the first, it should be form and function are the first, there is no primary or secondary. Only achieve unity of form and function, is the most perfect architectural design.
The most famous buildings in history will not be just because it was fully functional and the rational layout of its achievements. Truly stirring, impressive, monumental building in the world must be by its form, its shape determined. Over the past many famous buildings in the now no practical value, and is still respected by the people do? Is it only because it assumed in the past, the necessary function of its use? I do not think, the real reason is that the body it presents the amount of space it creates shock the hu
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