
高中英语Test on United Nations General Assembly 29.doc

高中英语Test on United Nations General Assembly 29.doc

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高中英语Test on United Nations General Assembly 29

Test on United Nations General Assembly 29/01/2004 Ⅰ.Translation distinguished delegates be committed to address issues of global nature organizing principle the United Nations Charter colonial countries the founding members of UN colonial powers reverse the economic imbalances trade liberalization marginalize many countries vulnerable groups harbor the seeds of hatred a marked drop in official development assistance eradicate disease in particular the most productive sectors of the population erase age-old attitudes racial discrimination religious intolerance the illicit traffic in drugs transnational crime to name a few national borders the international community constitute a major impediment to development shorten a significant number of regional conflicts play a meaningful role by and large live up to the Charter obligations maintain international peace and security achieve consensus on how to proceed international treaties organized crime critical global problems uphold international standards take joint action support socio-economic development eradicate poverty worldwide external forces promote development the Specialized Agencies elaborate attainable development goals create the mechanism to reach the goals the Millennium Development Goals a specific example goal setting combat HIV ensure environmental sustainability develop a global partnership pledge to implement the goals by 2015 diplomatic representatives short-term benefits exhilarating experiences a rewarding job the incentive to join the Party do intensive research from the perspectives of that country a meaningful contribution to the forum bear on leadership and decision-making skills Prime Minister under the spotlight of public opinion negotiating skills an arduous and insuperable process a matter of victory or defeat mutual advantage put a premium on compromise be set in stone make comments on the interaction with the media reflect your point of view accurately go outside the offici


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