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Successful signing ceremony of the XXX当地时间2016年3月25日上午10:30,XXX与XXX在XXX,隆重举行“XXX合同签约仪式。Ethiopian local time XXX on XXX, XXX and XX held the XXXsigning ceremony of XXX in XXX签约仪式首先由XXX集团CEOXXX致辞。XX对各位嘉宾的到来表示热烈的欢迎,并希望双方在和平友好、互利共赢的原则下,将双方的技术与管理优势、市场需求与人力资源优势转化为务实合作的实际举措。.First of all, CEO of XX, XXX made a speech.XXXX expressed warm welcome to all the guests. She hoped that we can transfer our technology and economic strengths, market demand, and human resources into practical cooperation basing on peace and win-win.XXX作为该项目参建方XXX的上级公司,一直非常关注项目进展。XXX董事长XXX在致辞中表示,XXX将以落实合同目标为己任,以高度的责任感和使命感监督并支持XXX竭力铸就精品工程,发挥该项目在贵国的示范和引领效应,为中埃经济合作增添新的亮点。XXX, as the superior company of XXX, kept high attention to this project. The president ofXXX, XXX said Sinolight Corporation will take it as its own duty to implement the project contract,help XXXto an excellent project with high?sense of mission and responsibility. This project will play an exemplary and leading role in Ethiopia, and will be a new type of China- Ethiopia cooperation.XXX董事长XX代表本项目的总承商感谢XX集团对XX的信任与支持,并承诺XXX将严格遵守埃塞俄比亚国家法规及各项规范,始终秉承“顾客满意是我们不懈的追求”的核心理念,凭借国际领先的科技水平、服务质量与管理经验,认真履行合同条款,以高起点开局,高水平建设,高要求管理,确保工程质量、安全、高端、环保。 The president of XX, XXX expressed thanks toXXX for its trust and support on behalf of the prime contractor. She promised that XXXwill strictly follow all the Ethiopian laws,seriously fulfill the contract terms, insist on the core spirit ‘Customers’ satisfaction is our unremitting pursuit’, rely on the international leading science and technology, service, and management, forge ahead this project with a high starting point, a high-level construction, and a high-demanding management, to provide strong safeguards for the quality, safety, high level and environment protection of this project.中国驻XXX对双方成功签约表示衷心的祝贺,并表示中埃两国具有共同的关注与立场,中埃经贸合作优势互补、前景广阔。XXX大使鼓励和支持两国企业进一步加强合作,传承和发扬中埃传统友好,为中埃人民创造更多实实在在的成果,为推动两国经济更加均衡发展作出更大贡献。Chinese?Ambassador?toXXX XXX showed hearty congratulations to the successful signing. He said China


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