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On Cohesion in English and Its Implication in Composition
The phenomena of the human language are examined and analyzed by linguists, whose research provides techniques, tools, and concepts that allow people to explore closely how language “works.”
Chapter 1
A Historical Survey of Studies of Cohesion in English
1.1 Definition of the Concept of Text
A discussion must be made on what a text is in order to discuss text-forming devices in English. What is a text? This question is as difficult as that of what a sentence is. According to Fries, “there are more than two hundred definitions of a sentence.” [1]
Cohesion Theory mainly discusses that a text is coherent through the use of cohesive devices, which certainly can partly fulfill the task of providing readers an easy access to the text.[2]
1.2 Cohesion Theory
Coherence backed by cohesion is one important solution for improving students’ writing in term of discourse-level properties. Cohesion concerns the linguistic devices, thus a textual phenomenon. Coherence, on the other hand, is in the mind of the writer and reader: it is a mental phenomenon.
[1] Fries, C.C. The Structure of English[M]. New York, Harcourt, Brace Co, 1952, p: 120
[2] Quirk, Randolph, Sidney Greenbaum, Geoffrey Leech, et al. A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language[M]. London, Longman, 1985, p: 22, p: 73, p: 19
[3] How to Save Energy[J]. Newsweek, 1977(18): 70-80
[4] Littlewood, Ruied. The Affective Factors in Second Language Learning[J]. Harper’s, 1997(8): 123-130
[5] Messick, S. Validity[A]. In: R. Linn(ed.). Educational Measurement[C]. New York, Macmillan, 1989, p: 29
[6] Weinstein L. M. N. Swartz. Pathogenic Properties of Invading Micro-Organisms[A]. In W. A. Sodeman P. C. Robinson(eds.). Pathologic Physiology:Dechanisms of Disease[C]. Philadelphia, Saundra, 1974, p: 29-32
[7] 皮亚杰. 结构主义[M]. 北京, 商务印书馆, 1984, p: 34
[8] 蔡文. 从《老人与海》看海明威的人生哲学[MA]. 武汉, 华中师范大学, 2003, p: 22, p: 73, p: 19