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模拟电路 1、基尔霍夫定理的内容是什么?(仕兰微电子) 2、平板电容公式(C=εS/4πkd)。(未知) 3、最基本的如三极管曲线特性。(未知) 4、描述反馈电路的概念,列举他们的应用。(仕兰微电子) Feedback plays an important role when DC bias stabilization is considered in the design of amplifiers. If negative voltage feedback is used, a circuit can be built to couple some of the output voltage back to the input to reduce the overall voltage gain of the circuit. However, the negative feedback can obtain higher input impedance, lower output impedance, stable gain and higher cutoff frequency operation. If the feedback is connected to add to the input signal, positive feedback takes place, which could drive the circuit into oscillation to make electronic oscillators. 5、负反馈种类(电压并联反馈,电流串联反馈,电压串联反馈和电流并联反馈);负反 馈的优点(降低放大器的增益灵敏度,改变输入电阻和输出电阻,改善放大器的线性和非 线性失真,有效地扩展放大器的通频带,自动调节作用)(未知) 6、放大电路的频率补偿的目的是什么,有哪些方法?(仕兰微电子) There is a problem of oscillation in the operation of op-amp. For example, in a inverting op-amp, the phase relationship between input and output is normally 180 degree. But at some high frequency, there could be an additional 180 degree phase shift at the output, caused by the effect of shunting capacitance distributed throughout the amplifier. It means that the output is 360 degree out of phase with the input, so they are actually in phase. This will cause the op-amp circuit to oscillate. To prevent this, frequency compensating component are connected among various points in the op-amp circuits. The compensating components decrease the gain of the op-amp sufficiently at frequency where a 360 degree phase shift occurs, but they can stop oscillation. 7、频率响应,如:怎么才算是稳定的,如何改变频响曲线的几个方法。(未知) 8、给出一个查分运放,如何相位补偿,并画补偿后的波特图。(凹凸) 9、基本放大电路种类(电压放大器,电流放大器,互导放大器和互阻放大器),优缺 点,特别是广泛采用差分结构的原因。(未知) 10、给出一差分电路,告诉其输出电压Y+和Y-,求共模分量和差模分量。(未知) 11、画差放的两个输入管。(凹凸) 12、画出由运放构成加法、减法、微分、积分运算的电路原理图。并画出一个晶体管级的 运放电路。(仕兰微电子) 13、用运算放大器组成一个10倍的放大器。(未知) 14、给出一个简单电路,让你分析输出电压的特性(就是个积分电路),并求输出端某点 的 rise/fall时间。(Infineon笔试试题) 15、电阻R和电容C串联,输入电压为R和C之间的电压,输出电压分别为C上电压和R上电 压,要求绘


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