Kungfu Panda(12个角色).docx

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Kungfu Panda(12个角色)

Kungfu Panda 《功夫熊猫》配音片段【角色】:12个(Li Shan李山,father爸爸,ostrich鸵鸟,baby小花,群众Q1-8)【时长】:3分12秒Q1: Everyone. Li is back. 李山,大家注意,李山回来了。Q2: They are both back. 回来了两个人。Q3: he found his son. 他找到儿子了。Q4: He made it. They are back. 他做到了,他们回来了。Q5: Li? He found his son? 李山?他找到他儿子了?Q6: Everyone, Li is back. 大家注意,李山回来了。Q7: Hang on, we are coming. 等等,我们来了。 He made it. 他做到了。 He made it. Why are we running? 他成功了,为什么我们要跑?Q8: He made it. Li shan is back. 他做到了,李山回来了。Father: Everyone, everyone gather around. This is my son. 打击都围过来吧,这是我儿子。Q1: Hello. Hi. Cute.你好,真可爱。Q2: Triplets [tr?pl?t]! Hi, I’m Ku Ku. 三胞胎,嗨,我是酷酷。Q3: I’m Meng Meng. I’m Shuai Shuai. He smells like cookies [k?kiz]. 我是萌萌,我是帅帅。他闻起来像饼干。Q4: He’s so handsome [h?ns(?)m]. Just like his father. 他好帅啊,跟他爸爸一样帅。Father: Thank you.谢谢夸奖。 Son, these are your cousins [k?znz]. Dim and Sum. 儿子,他们是你的表哥,点点和心心。Li Shan: I have cousins [k?znz]. 我竟然有表哥。Q5: Welcome. Welcome. 欢迎,欢迎。Li Shan: Buns on a string. We call it a snacklace [sn?kl?s]. 串在一起的包子,我们叫它小吃项链。Q6: That’s right. 没错。Q7: We’ll make you another one. 我们会再给你做一条。Q8: It’s you. 是你啊。Li Shan: So, that’s nice to see you. 很高兴见到你。Q8: I don’t know who you are. 其实我不认识你。Baby: Stripey baby so beautiful. 花娃娃,好漂亮啊。Li Shan: Okay, careful with that. That’s my action figure[f?g?].小心点,那是我的人偶。Baby: Can I keep her? 能送我吗?Li Shan: Noooo. 不。Baby: Can I?行吗?Li Shan: No...problem. Of course, yeah, that’s why I brought her. 没……问题,当然没问题,我带来就是要送给你的。 Take good care of her. 好好照顾她。Baby: Yes, stripey baby. 肯定会,花娃娃。Li Shan: You look just like me but a baby. 你看起来就像婴儿版的我。Baby: 笑一笑。Li Shan: You’re like me but old. 你就像老年版的我。 You’re like me but fatter. 你就是胖点的我。 You’re like but ...你像……Q1: 笑一笑。Li Shan: with a hat. 带着帽子的我。Q1-8: He does wear a hat. 他确实戴着帽子。Li Shan: You all look like me. 你们看起来都和我一样。Father: Let’s feast[fi?st] in my son’s honor[??n?(r)]. 我们去大吃一顿吧,庆祝我儿子回来了。Li Shan: What’s the ...这是什么?Father: Pandas don’t walk. We roll. 熊猫不用走的,我们滚吧。Ostrich: How you ever seen anyone look so ridiculous[r?d?kj?l?s]? 你有见过这么可笑的人吗? Po, what are y


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