2012-2013学年度七年级7B Unit4Amazing things 英语单元测试.doc

2012-2013学年度七年级7B Unit4Amazing things 英语单元测试.doc

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2012-2013学年度七年级7B Unit4Amazing things 英语单元测试

2012-2013学年度七年级7B Unit4Amazing things 英语单元测试 班级 :_______________ 姓名:___________ 成绩:___ I.词汇: A.根据句意,首字母或中文提示完成句子。16 1. The e_______ is bigger than the moon. 2. Don’t make much n_________ here, Dad is sleeping now. 3. I like t___________ around the world. 4. The world is full of a__________ things. 5. He is c________ about English. He spends two hours reading English every day. 6. I can’t __________(相信) that. 7. He is a _______________(勤奋的) student. 8. They heard something _________ (奇怪的) in _________(灌木从) 9. They _________ (搜索) the whole city for the lost boy yesterday evening. 10. Sixty s_______ is one minute. 11. With these w________, he left. 12. _________(蛇) don’t have ears. They hear with their __________(舌头) 13.There are _________ books (几乎没有) in the reading room, _________ there? B.用所给词的适当形式填空。16 1. October 1 is an __________(usual) day. It’s our National Day. 2. I’m a middle school student. I can look after ________(I) well. 3. They _________(lose) their way in the forest and were short of food. Nobody knew what would happen the __________(follow) day. 4. There’s no plant life ___________(with) lightning. 5. Listen to the teacher _________in class and be________(care) to do your homework after class. 6. Maybe this kind of frog is _________________(poison) in the world. 7. This book is __________(help) to us students. 8. I’m very __________ in this ___________(interest) film. 9. Be ___________. Please walk into the room ___________(quiet). 10. She is very clever. She can work out the maths problem __________(easy). 11. I have a cat _________(call) Mimi. 12. She gave some beautiful pictures to a friend of ________(he). C.用所给动词的适当形式填空。14 1. We ________(not be) at home yesterday . 2. We are looking forward to ___________(hear) from you soon. 3. They took turns __________(take) care of the sick panda. 4. t’s not easy__________(learn) English well. 5. Simon went out of the classroom without __________


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