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VC++宏定义数据类型大全 类型 含义 ATOM Atom. For more information, see Atoms. BOOL Boolean variable (should be TRUE or FALSE). BOOLEAN Boolean variable (should be TRUE or FALSE). BYTE Byte (8 bits). CALLBACK Calling convention for callback functions. CHAR 8-bit Windows (ANSI) character. For moreinformation, see Character Sets Used By Fonts. COLORREF Red, green, blue (RGB) color value (32 bits). SeeCOLORREF for information on this type. CONST Variable whose value is to remain constant duringexecution. DWORD 32-bit unsigned integer. DWORD_PTR Unsigned long type for pointer precision. Use whencasting a pointer to a long type to perform pointer arithmetic.(Also commonly used for general 32-bit parameters that have beenextended to 64 bits in 64-bit Windows. ) DWORD32 32-bit unsigned integer. DWORD64 64-bit unsigned integer. FLOAT Floating-point variable. HACCEL Handle to an accelerator table. HANDLE Handle to an object. HBITMAP Handle to a bitmap. HBRUSH Handle to a brush. HCONV Handle to a dynamic data exchange (DDE)conversation. HCONVLIST Handle to a DDE conversation list. HCURSOR Handle to a cursor. HDC Handle to a device context (DC). HDDEDATA Handle to DDE data. HDESK Handle to a desktop. HDROP Handle to an internal drop structure. HDWP Handle to a deferred window position structure. HENHMETAFILE Handle to an enhanced metafile. HFILE Handle to a file opened by OpenFile, notCreateFile. HFONT Handle to a font. HGDIOBJ Handle to a GDI object. HGLOBAL Handle to a global memory block. HHOOK Handle to a hook. HICON Handle to an icon. HIMAGELIST Handle to an image list. HIMC Handle to input context. HINSTANCE Handle to an instance. HKEY Handle to a registry key. HKL Input locale identifier. HLOCAL Handle to a local memory block. HMENU Handle to a menu. HMETAFILE Handle to a metafile. HMODULE Handle to a module. The value is the base addressof the module. HMONITOR Handle to a display monitor. HPALETTE Handle to a palette. HPEN Handle to a pen.


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