Nerve.ppt 周围神经解剖.ppt

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Nerve.ppt 周围神经解剖

Nervous Tissue Cellular Elements Neuron (Nerve Cell) Neuroglial Cells central neurglia: astrocyte, oligodendrocyte, microglia and ependymal cell peripheral neuroglia: Schwann cell in nerve and gaglion, satellite (capsular) cell in ganglion Intercellular Substance: extremly sparse 2. Neuron Two special properties: Irritability (the ability to respond to a stimulus). Propagation of impulses (the ability to conduct impulses). Cell body/perikaryon (5-150 ?m dia) Axon (myelinated or unmyelinated) with terminals and synaptic junctions Dendrites - receive input Variety of neuron shapes: multipolar, bipolar, pseudounipolar Dendrites树突 May be highly branched and tapered Contain mitochondria, microtubules, and granular ER. Receptive surface for synaptic junctions Tens of thousands of synapses on large dendrites Dendritic spines(树突棘) integrate the excitatory influences and modify their responses and morphology in learning Axons轴突 1 axon projects from cell body,long and thinner 3. Synapses (Chemical)突触 Synapses are specialized axon terminal contacts to dendrites and cell bodies, and functionally polarized to transfer excitation one way. Glia or neuroglia: named from the Greek word for glue. CNS: astroglia, oligodendroglia, microglia and ependyma PNS: Schwann cell, satellite Only nuclei visible without special stain Astrocytes Protoplasmic astrocytes: large, star-shaped with many processes, may attach to blood vessels; have filaments and microtubules; common in grey matter. Fibrous astrocytes: have more filaments and glycogen, and lie in the white matter. Glial scar at injury Oligodendrocytes Smaller than astrocytes; plump cell body with fairly dense cytoplasm and a darker round nucleus and fewer, shorter processes than an astrocyte; common in white matter, but some are perineuronal. Myelin forming cell of CNS Damaged in multiple sclerosis Microglial Cells Smallest, nucleus of heterochromatin Short processes; phagocytic Originate from monocyte


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