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中 学 英 语 园 地 自 我 检 测 ! ! ! ! ! 新目标英语八年级(下)期末综合测试题 ! ! ! 山东 赵修江 ! ! ! ! ! Ⅰ. 词汇 ! A ) 根据首字母或汉语提示,写出空白处所缺的单词。 八 ! ! 年 1. My shoes are worn out. I want to buy a new p . ! 2. Please wait in l and get on the train when it arrives. ! 级 ! 3. I cant hear you clearly. Would you mind saying it again in a loud ! v . ! ! 4. There are so many beautiful albums and I cant decide which one to ! c . ! ! 5. Please show your ticket before you e the amusement park. ! ! 6. The girl has been to the company for the job (面试). ! 7. David hasnt had enough working (经验). You should help him ! ! more when necessary. ! 8. Let us (假设), for example , that you have two brothers and a A sister. S 9. Do you think it is (礼貌的) for men not to stand up when a c h o o l woman comes into the room ? G a 10. If we dont do anything , our ( 环境) will become worse and r d e n worse. O f B ) 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 E n g l i 1. Mr White made the (suggest ) that we go there by train. s h 2. The children enjoyed (they ) in the park last Sunday. 52 A School Garden Of English 自 我 检 测 3. Autumn is a (wonder ) season. I like it best. ! ! 4. I feel (comfortable ). I have to see the doctor. ! 5. You can (simple ) speak Putonghua a lot of the time in


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