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10 Vol. 10 Suppl
第 卷 增刊 中国安全生产科学技术
2014 9 Journal of Safety Science and Technology Sep. 2014
年 月
文章编号:1673 - 193X (2014)- 增刊- 0334 - 07
( , 枝花 617000)
攀钢集团矿业有限公司 四川 攀
: ,
摘 要 通过对高层建筑火灾分析研究和对高层建筑存在的消防安全隐患的危险性进行分析 针
, 、 、 、
对高层建筑消防安全问题 应用法律法规 技术标准 科学管理 自救管理等方法提出预防高层建
, 。
筑火灾事故的发生 进一步提出把高层建筑火灾预防纳入重大危险源并实行分级管理的观点
: ; ;
关键词 高层建筑 消防安全 管理
中图分类号:X932 文献标志码:A doi :10. 11731 /j. issn. 1673-193x. 2014. 增刊. 062
Study on fire safety management of high-rise building
GOU Da-biao
(Panzhihua Iron and Steel Group Mining Co. ,Ltd. ,Panzhihua Sichuan 617000 ,China)
Abstract :Through research and analysis on high-rise building fires and the hazard of existing fire safety hidden-
troubles in high-rise building ,aiming at the fire safety issues of high-rise building ,the application of laws and regu-
lations ,technical standards ,scientific management ,self management and other methods were proposed to prevent
fire accident in high-rise building ,and the viewpoint that the fire prevention of high-rise building should be includ-
ed into major hazards installations and hierarchical management should be implemented was put forward.
Key words :high-rise building ;fire safety ;
, 160m,50
的深圳国贸中心大厦超高层建筑 高 多