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上 海 中 医 药 大 学 教 案 首 页 学年 2010 学期 The first term 课程名称 Application and Practice of TCM English: B 题目 TCM Oral English 时数 2 本次课程要求与需要解决的问题: 一、本课程背景: The teaching of oral medical English is often practiced in the systems of diseases. Though this traditional teaching way has some advantages, the common diseases is numerous that no one teaching way or textbooks can cover all the diseases spectrum and the schooling hours is also limited for meeting the requirement of time length in the traditional teaching. A new medical oral English course is created as the new teaching model which is called 3-divisional Oral Medical English. This model is involved only the simple oral English grammar and limited sentence pattern which is known by the students. The aim of 3D Oral TCM English is to help the students master the oral medical English skills and apply them really into the clinical TCM practice. Maybe it can get multiple the result with less effort. 中医英语口语的教学,大多按病种进行,这种教学法固然有其优点,然而临床各科病种 举不胜举,教学课时有限,这种教学法难以覆盖全局。本章通过三个方面来阐述中医英语口 语的基本语言规律:中医英语口语语法特征、中医医务行为用语、各中医学科实践应用。为 了方便记忆,称之为“3维中医英语口语”。“三维中医英语口语”涉及语言理论简单,大多 为读者所熟知。其目的在于提纲挈领,便于医学工作者掌握医用口语规律,以便能举一反三, 熟练运用。 “3维”进中医英语口语教学法是一种事半功倍的新思路。 二、本课程要求: 1. To master: Two models of oral English for clinical interview (doctor-patient model and doctor-patient- doctor model) 掌握内容:中医英语口语两种模式(“医-患”模式与“医-患-医”模式); 2. To recognize: 3-dimensional Oral Medical English; 熟悉内容:中医英语口语三维规律; 3. To know about: the new concept of TCM trilogue 了解内容:“教学三角”中医英语口语概念 三、本课程教学需要解决的问题 1. The core of the oral medical English is how to make a question to the patient 医患对话的核心是问句 2. The common sentence pattern for the common medical behaviors and itsl classification 常见医务行为类别与常用句型 3. The core of the TCM trilogue is how to instruct


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