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Superstition of festivalOn Halloween, journeys must be finished before sunset.  在万圣节,旅行必须在日落之前结束。  A piece of bread crossed with salt (holy bread with witch- repellent salt) was carried in the pockets of travellers to keep them safe. 旅行的人包里会带着蘸着盐的面包(神圣的面包和巫婆讨厌的盐)来确保安全。 Apples, nuts and candles figured [f?g?]出现 prominently in many of the superstitions ?[,s?p?st???n]? practised at Halloween苹果,坚果和蜡烛是万圣节一些迷信活动中的常用物品。 Hazel Nuts 榛果 Girls placed hazel nuts along the front of the fire grate, each one to symbolize [?s?mb?la?z] one of her suitors. She could then find out who her future husband would be by chanting, If you love me, pop and fly; if you hate me, burn and die. 女孩们把榛果排列在炉排前面,每一个榛果代表一个求婚者。女孩唱着歌就可以发现哪个人将成为她的丈夫,唱词是“爱我飞出来,恨我烧到坏。” People believed that the Devi was a nut-gatherer. At Halloween, nuts were used as magic charms. 人们相信恶魔收集坚果。在万圣节,坚果被当作有魔力的物品。 Apples 苹果 1) If you slice an apple through the equator (to reveal the five-pointed star within) and then eat it by candlelight before a mirror, your future spouse will appear over your shoulder. 如果把一个苹果横着切开(露出中间的五星),然后在镜子前借着烛光吃掉,你将来的配偶的形象就会出现在你身后。(小编:怎么感觉有点恐怖~~) 2) Peel an apple, making sure the peeling comes off in one long strand and then throw it over your shoulder. The shape it lands in will be the initial of your beloved. 给一个苹果削皮,确保削下的皮成一条线,然后朝身后扔。果皮落地的形状就是你爱人的首字母。 3) If you place an apple under your pillow you will dream of your future husband. 如果把一个苹果放到枕头下,你就会梦到未来的丈夫。(小编:这个操作还比较简单,不过,枕头下放个苹果能睡好么~~) Candles 蜡烛 Take a candle and look into a mirror whilst combing your hair or eating an apple. Your future husband will appear peeking over your shoulder.点一根蜡烛,照着镜子梳头发或者吃苹果,(小编:吃苹果也就算了,梳头发,女鬼呀)就能看见你未来的丈夫出现在你身后。(小编:这个镜子看来和哈利波特里面的镜子有的拼)Just as Halloween is for Americans, the “Hungry Ghost Festival” is for Chinese. Ghost Festival is one of Chinese traditional occasions, which is taken very seriously by the Chinese. This festival usually falls on the15th day of the 7th month of the lunar calendar. The Ghost Festival, some p


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