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RAIN STORM Headline: Beautiful campus turns into Venice Lead: No one hurt in heavy rainstorms,which brings students many problems in May 11th,the student council has come forward to explain some related questions. In May 11th, Zhuhai suffered heavy rainfall, successive rainstorm flooded college, the beautiful campus was like Venice. Trees were cleaved down by lightings and well lids were washed away. The rainstorm threatened the safety of BNUZ, and the facts reflect the disadvantages of drainage system. Fortunately no one was killed in the rainstorm. School back office and security departments quickly take a series of emergency measures, water receded immediately at night, the normal teaching order has been restored on the second day. To defend typhoon, rain or other weather disasters and emergencies, school office held a special meeting to discuss the deployment of emergency and preventive measures, ensure the safety of teachers and students. Continuous rains caused a large area of stagnant water on school road, part of the local water depth to the knee. Sewage diffused into the dormitory, the internal LIYUN teaching building also been water seepage serious. The heavy rain caused the school a large area of stagnant water, and brought a lot of inconvenience to in and out as well as life of the students, The university student council answer related questions for the rainstorm. First, about school will be closed or not. According to the relevant provisions, schools must be closed when the observatory turn to red alert.Of course according to the weather problems,the school will also adjust the Curriculum arrangement. Even if is not prompt red alert, taking into account the safety of students school will also make timely adjustment of curriculum. The school taking part in the serious surface water , urgent notice to cancel the course and examination. Second, about the dining problem. The students have made representations with the school canteen , but between the schoo


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