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30个消极类短语be afflicted with 遭受……A host of African countries are being afflicted with chronic poverty and lasting war.很多非洲国家正在遭受持续的贫困和战争。deprive someone of sth. 剥夺某人某物Modern cities deprive city-dwellers of fresh air and peaceful life.现代城市剥夺了居民享受新鲜空气和平静生活的权利。prompt sb. to do sth. 促使某人做某事Peer pressure prompts many youngsters to start smoking and drinking at an early age.同辈压力促使很多青少年在很早时候就开始抽烟酗酒。A is the root cause of B A是B的根源The population explosion is the root cause of water scarcity.人口激增是水资源短缺的根源。be inundated with sth. 充斥着Today’s TV screen is inundated with commercials which interrupt TV programs.如今的电视荧屏上充斥着干扰电视节目的商业广告。militate against sth. 妨碍;对某物产生不利影响Using computers every single day may militate against children’s academic study.每天使用电脑也许会影响孩子们的学业。distract sb. from… 分散某人的注意力Video games distract students from their academic study.电脑游戏将学生们的注意力从学业上转移开?It is wrong to regard A as B. 把A看作B是错误的It is wrong to regard money as the root cause of happiness.把金钱看作是幸福的根源是错误的。… is accompanied by… 某种好现象伴随着某种坏的现象The advancement of technology is accompanied by serious pollution of the ecosystem.科技的进步总是伴随着严重的环境污染。sth. is unjustified 某种做法很不合理The amount of money super stars can earn in a short time is unjustified.娱乐巨星在短期内挣大笔钱是不合理的。be at risk 处在风险中Many white collar workers’ health is at risk due to the constant work pressure.由于持续不断的工作压力,很多白领的健康处于危险之中。few of us have ever stopped to think about 很少有人去考虑……Few of us have ever stopped to think about the consequence of overly using fossil fuels.很少有人去考虑过度使用化石燃料的后果。have a hard time doing sth. 很难做某事Fresh graduates will have a hard time hunting for a good job, if they don’t know how to put theory into practice.如果毕业生不会把理论应用于实践的话,他们很难找到一份好工作。be threatened with… 受到……的威胁Large numbers of animals and plants are being threatened with extinction.很多动植物都正在受到灭绝的威胁。pose a threat to sth. 对某物构成威胁overly rely on sth./sb. 过度依赖某人或某物overly rely on parents/fossil fuels/private cars/the Internetwiden the gap between A and B 加大A与B的差距The technology is widening the gap betwe


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