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英语大赢家 11 Microsoft Word 文档

英语大赢家:Topic 101 比赛 Competitions 阿美在古奇的鼓动下,逃课来看篮球比赛,比赛精彩吗?一起来看看吧。 May: Wow, this is drop-dead gorgeous. Gucci: So no more regret now? May: Dont remind me of that. This would be the last time I cut any classes for a basketball game. Gucci: Come on. Dont be so hard on yourself. Enjoy your life. May: I just cant help it. Oh, look at Clive, he is really a big hit. They are definitely gonna win. Gucci: Its only seven minutes into the game, too early to cheer up. May: Come on, 18 points already, they are never gonna catch up. Gucci: Who knows! Its a long game. Look! That was a really nice shot! May: Thay are coming back to narrow the gap. Gucci: Wait, that guy, I know him. He is just a bench warmer. May: A secret weapon. Theyd better set up the defense now. Gucci: Clive is ready to explode. Keep your eyes open. May: Oh, man! I cant believe it. A slam dunk! Gucci: Good that he resembled his old, quick self. 听看学 阿美:哇噻,(比赛)真是太精彩了! 古奇:那么现在不再后悔了吧? 阿美:别提醒我这个。这会是我最后一次为篮球比赛而逃课。 古奇:拜托。别这么为难自己。要享受人生啊! 阿美:我就是忍不住嘛。哦,看克莱夫,他真是耀眼啊!他们一定会赢的。 古奇:才刚刚开场7分钟,要高兴现在还太早。 阿美:拜托,已经领先18分了,对方不可能赶超了啊。 古奇:谁知道呢?比赛还长着呢。看,刚才的进球真漂亮! 阿美:对方在拉进比分。 古奇:等等,那个男生,我认得他。他只是一个“板凳”。 阿美:一个秘密武器哦。(克莱夫)他们现在最好加强防守了。 古奇:克莱夫要爆发了。把你的眼睛睁大了。 阿美:哦,好家伙。我真难以相信。灌篮了。 古奇:真好,他总算恢复动作飞快的他了。 经典背诵 Recitation May: Im a good girl in peoples eyes. But my best friend Gucci always reminds me to give myself a break, saying “Dont be too hard on yourself.” She just trys to show me the right way to enjoy a better life. Once we cut classes for a basketball game. I didnt regret about what I did because it was really a terrific game. 生词小结 drop-deadadv. 非常 gorgeousadj. 极好的 explodevi. 爆发 doubtn. 怀疑 cheer up高兴起来 bench warmer候补球员 defensen. 防守 slam dunk灌篮 resemblevt. 恢复 注释 bench warmer: bench 是长凳的意思,warmer的意思是取暖器,打球的时候有一部分技术比较弱的球员得不到上场的机会而要坐在场外长凳上,所以候补球员被称为bench warmer。 英语大赢家:Topic 102 体育明星 Sports Stars 克莱夫显然成了众人眼中的篮球明星,这不,这边的两个女生珍妮和苏珊聊得那么起劲,他们在聊什么呢?我们一起来听听吧。 Jenny: Who is that guy? Susan: Its Clive of course. Where did you come from? Every girl knows Cli


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