高校硕士研究生学科英语系列精品教材《管理英语》冯曼版UNIT 1-9 READING 1英译汉.doc

高校硕士研究生学科英语系列精品教材《管理英语》冯曼版UNIT 1-9 READING 1英译汉.doc

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高校硕士研究生学科英语系列精品教材《管理英语》冯曼版UNIT 1-9 READING 1英译汉

1.They claim that the definition of the American Restatement ignores the bargain the exchange of equivalents which is the essence of a contract. 法学家们声称《美国合同法重述》中的解释忽略了契约的本质,即等价交换是合同的本质。 2.These scholars also argue that all the definitions in terms of promises or agreements presuppose that people only enter into contractual relations after they have made some agreement or promise. 这些学者还是对这些定义持有不同的观点,认为依据合同承诺或契约所做解释的先决条件是当事人业已达成协议或承诺之后才构成合同关系。 3.Within the European Union, a group of countries have moved toward a system of “enhanced cooperation”, which coordinates the choice of law in divorce and legal separation cases , giving priority to application of the law of the couple’s habitual residence prior to separation. 在欧盟内部,一些国家已经在向“加强合作”的体系迈进,以协调在离婚和合法分居案件中的法律适用,在分居之前优先适用夫妻双方常住地的法律。 4.The United States has a treaty relationship with another group of countries under the Inter American convention on Letters Rogatory and Its Additional Protocol(IACAP), which also provides a mechanism for service of documents through a central authority. 美国与一些国家在《泛美公约及其附加议定书(IACAP)》框架下建立了条约关系,这也提供了一种通过中央机构进行法律文书送达的机制。 5.The question of whether substituted service is permitted is determined by the law of the forum ,but the means utilized must also comply with the laws of the country in which service is made. 虽然法庭地法官裁定是否同意替代传票送达的问题,但是运用这些替代方法同样必须遵守传票送达签署国的法律。 6.As a treaty , the convention preempts inconsistent provisions of state law , and service in treaty countries that dose not comply with the convention is ineffective, even if the respondent had actual notice of the proceeding. 作为条约,惯例常常取代与州法律规定不一致的内容,即使被告实际上已按照程序收到通知,当地国若不遵守送达的规定,则送达是无效的。 7.Merchant judges employ in formal proceedings to responds to the immediate demands of merchants, such as by considering trade usages of merchants who dealt in perishable goods, and by reacting to fluctuating prices or irregular sources of supply in volatile markets. 商事法官通过采取非法正式程序来满足商人的迫切需要,这些非正当程序可以是援引有关易损货物的商业惯例,也可考虑动荡市场上浮动价格和非常规原料供应等因素。、 8.If la


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