新概念英语 第三册 课文语言点详解 第二课.docx

新概念英语 第三册 课文语言点详解 第二课.docx

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新概念英语 第三册 课文语言点详解 第二课

Thirteen equals oneThirteen equals one,这里的equal 用作动词使用,equal 的意思是平等,它可以使用不同的词性:1),用作动词使用:Two plus two equals four。2),equal用作形容词使用:All men are created equalEqual pay for equal work。3),equal用作名词使用:Our boss treated us all as equal.Our vicar is always raising money for one cause of another, but he has never managed to get enough money to have the church clock repaired.英文中表示神之人员的词有:Vicar:尤其指英国国教的神父Priest:尤其指天竺教的神父Pastor:特指基督教的神父rector:强调掌管一个教区的神父raisingraising在这里作筹集讲,在表达这层意思时,后边经常跟的宾语有:raise cash/capital/fund.For one cause or another这里的cause是事业的意思。例:the cause of world peace。。。。。。。to have the church clock repaired.To have sth done 请一个专业的人来做。例:have my car repairedThe big clock which used to strike the hours day and night was damaged many years ago and has been silent ever since .Strike the hours:报时,它后面可以直接加上数字,表示几点报时。Day and night= nigh and day 总是。I’ve been coming up here night after night for weeks.Night after night=every night.英文中表示“损坏,被伤害“常用的词有:Damage:强调的是事物被损坏。Injure和hurt 主要用来形容人受伤害,injure尤其将身体上收到伤害,hurt强调心灵上收到伤害。The clock has been silent ever since.英文中表示”安静“的词有:Silent:强调无声的安静Still:强调的是没有动作的安静Quiet是说一种气氛上的安静、安宁。One night, our vicar woke up with a start .Start:猛的一惊,他可以用作名词,也可以用作动词。例:The sound of footsteps gave me quite a start.这里的start用作动词She started at the sound of the phone.这里的start用作名词Armed with torch, the vicar went up into the clock tower .Arm 作为动词使用时是“武装“例:armed to the teeth携带着的不仅仅是武器,还可以是知识、技能。例:she came to the meeting armed with all the facts and figures.In the torchlight , he caught sight of the figura whom he immediately recognized as Bill Wilkins , our local grocer.Caught sight of 是一个固定词组,看见的意思。Lose sight of 看不见了Our local grocerLocal:当地的,本地的,Local根据上下文不同,意思也不尽相同:Local government:这里的local是相当中央政府而言的地方政府。Local time: 本地时间Thirteen is not as good as one, but it was better than nothing.Better than 后边加否定次在英文有很多:例:Better than never


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