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ArchitectureArchitecture is the art of building. 建筑学是建筑的艺术。 Virtually all architecture is concerned with the enclosure of space for human use. 实质上整个建筑学都与供人使用的围合空间有关。 The precise activities to be housed in any specific building-ranging from an assembly line in a factory to a living room in a home--should dictate the size and shape of the several areas within. 建筑物内部一些空间的大小和形状是由那些将要容纳在该 建筑物(如从工厂的装配线到住宅中的起居室)里的确切活动 所规定。 These spaces also must be arranged in some logical relation to each other. 这些空间的排列还应有合理的关系。ArchitectureFurthermore,the movement of human beings within the building--“circulation” in architectural parlance--requires halls, stairs,or elevators whose size is governed by the expected load of traffic.另外,人在建筑物中的走动(在建筑学的说法中叫“流通”) 需要有走廊、楼梯或电梯,其尺寸受预期交通负荷的支配。The plan of a structure,always the first consideration of an architect,is the resolution of these different purposes into an organization of spaces that will fulfill the intent of the building. 建筑物的结构平面图,总是建筑师的第一考虑, 它把对建 筑物的各种要求安排成体现建筑意图的空间组合。ArchitectureGood planning guides the visitor to his destination in the structure and impresses him,perhaps subconsciously,by visibly relating the several units of the edifice. 好的设计方案可以引导来访者在建筑中到达其目的地并 使其留下印象,这种印象也许是下意识地通过把大建筑体系 中一些单元明显地关联起来而引起。 Conversely,a bad plan results in inconvenience,waste, and visual confusion.相反,坏的设计方案所产生的结果是不方便、浪费和视 觉上的混乱。ArchitectureFurthermore,a structure must be well built;it should have such permanence as the purpose for which it is intended demands and as the materials chosen may allow. 此外,一座建筑的结构必须建造良好;它必须具有永久 性,这种永久性既是设计意图要求的,也是材料的选择所允 许的。 The raw materials of architecture—stone,brick,wood, steel,or glass—in part govern the forms of the building and are expressed by them. 建筑材料(石、砖、木材、钢材或玻璃)部分地决定着 建筑物的形式,并被这些形式所表现。StoneStone can resist compression,the force that squeezes together,almost indefinitely. 石头几乎可以无限地承受压力。 While it is possible to crush stone in a laboratory,for practical purposes its compressive strength is unlimited. 在实验室中能把石头压碎,


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