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Unit1 Vocabulary 1. 1) cherished 2) statistical 3) integrity 4) commodities 5) cooperative 6) distributed 7) sophisticated 8) vacancies 9) facilitate 10) interaction 11) witnessing 12) conducted 13) virtually 14) impact 15) maintained 2. 1) has neglected 2) in the case of 3) costs 4) sources 5) at hand 6) vacant 7) awarded 8) specially 1. 1) As with hiking 2) As (it is) with learning any language 3) It seemed that he didn’t adopt/take my advice 4) It seemed that my father would lose his temper It seems that Professor Smith can’t come 1) 但我们仍抱有信念,坚信竞争(而非合作),用西格蒙德·弗洛伊德的话来说,“是通向成功的捷径”。 2) 如果竞争确实凸显我们的“兽性”,那研究表明,合作会凸显我们的“人性”。 3) 在这项研究中,更乐于合作的成员在心理适应和生理健康方面都优于更具竞争性的同事。 4) 简而言之,合作是规则,但得遵从客观现实。 5) 研究证实:目睹了合作行为的人会把这行为“传递”下去,与他们遇到的下一个人达成一定程度的合作。 Unit2 vocabulary 1. 1) pursue 2) Relatively 3) achievements 4) moreover 5) interact 6) in exchange for 7) picked up 8) principle 9) from time to time 10) inherited 11) part 12) A series of 13) Currently 14) discount 15) impressed 2. 1) forecast 2) confidence 3) affected 4) emotions 5) accompanied 6) applying 1. 1) rather than pretty 2) the parents rather than the children 3) Rather than believe the rumor 4) starting early, rather than leaving everything to the last minute 5) stick to one’s principles rather than follow the trend/following the trend. 1) 从他母亲那儿,他明白了人要有抱负,明白了只要足够努力,他能够做成任何事情。 2) 萨姆 ? 沃尔顿谈到,他的父亲“天生具有某种非凡的本领,知道他与他人的关系能发展到什么程度,且总能友好地和他们分手”。 3) 他勇于竞争,但他总能耐心倾听别人的意见。 4) 打球时,他知道球会传到哪里。后来从商,他也练就了一身本领,能够预见到自己所做的任何决定可能导致的结果。 5) 最终,沃尔玛成了一个家喻户晓的名字,意味着“价廉物美,打折销售”。 UNIT3 Vocabulary 1. 1) define 2) identity 3) addiction 4) outweigh 5) survey 6) resist 7) incredible 8) foster 9) wore off 10) ingredient 11) evaluated


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