The Palace Museum------故宫的英文介绍 导游必备.ppt

The Palace Museum------故宫的英文介绍 导游必备.ppt

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The Palace Museum------故宫的英文介绍 导游必备

sacrificial shrine Shaman/Shamanism The rooms enshrined statues of Sakyamuni, the Goddess of Mercy, Lord Guan and other Mongolian gods. Wedding room Nuptial room: bride, groom Rising sun and waxing moon: 日升月恒 fertility:Mattress, quilt, carpets, 尚武风俗: knife Imperial Garden Pavilions, terrace, shrine, rocks, ball, plants. Plants (category, age) Pine and cypress:B100-300;A300-500 Couple tree (love story), jujube, bamboo, Peony, lotus, lily, chrysanthemum, winter jasmine. Shrine, temple, altar The Taoist deities: Compass:青龙、白虎、朱雀、玄武; Memory tablet of the emperor: 同治帝牌位 The lord of Guan Yu:护国神关羽牌位 pavilion Heaven is round and earth is square Mortise and Dove-tailing, blocks Five element theory Rocks Sea-cucumber, sea-star海参石 Petrified wood木变石 Big deeper诸葛拜北斗石 Taihu rocks堆秀山:slim, wrinkled, elegance, ugly, transparent 瘦,透,漏,丑,皱,秀 Zodiac animals: 12生肖 Chinese Valentine‘s Day:七夕 Empress and Concubine How did the emperor choose the concubines? How many wives did the emperor have? What’s the concubine’s real life? What’s the empress dowager? the selection and certification of concubines, health, leisure, costumes, accessories, and the all-important registers of appointments with the emperor Empress and concubine Empress 3 Imperial honorable concubine 5 Imperial concubine 5 Concubine 6 Concubine in ordinary 6 honorable lady 12 Lady-in-waiting 4 Responder In total 41 Servants Palace maid:宫女 Eunuch: 太监 Why did the emperor use the eunuchs as the servants? Bodyguard:护卫 Did all the bodyguards live in the Forbidden City? Concubines’ living palaces 门槛:Threshold 四合院: quadrangles 走廊: corridor Furniture and utensils Sandalwood partition Rosewood table and chair Ivory cosmetic box and boats Red coral Enamel Bonsai Ceramics: The last emperor His autobiography: “From emperor to citizen” His English teacher The events about him The empress dowager Ci Xi Her stories Her daily life: wasteful and extravagant Skimming, powerful la



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