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xxxxxxxxxxx学院毕业论文 医药药房管理系统 专业名称: 计算机科学与技术 班 级: 2003年1班 学生姓名: xxxxxxxxxx 指导教师: xxxxxxxx 完成时间: 2007年5月 摘 要 八年经验 专业指导毕业设计 需要全套设计请联系:731767310 当今时代是飞速发展的时代信息时代。在各得各业中都离不开信息的处理,这正是计算机被广泛用于信息管理系统的原因。计算机的最大好处在于利用它能够进行信息管理。使用计算机进行信息控制,不仅提高了工作效率,而且大大的提高了其安全性。尤其对于复杂的信息管理,计算机能够充分的发挥它的优越性。药房是医院最繁忙的科室之一,无论门诊还是住院药房,面临着大量取药的患者和家属,工作人员都在忙于事物性工作。各种原因造成药品上的差错不能及时发现和纠正,管理中的混乱现象也就不可避免。大型医院药房药品数量繁多,采购和发放的帐目登记是一件很烦琐的事情而且药品的价格经常调整,退货现象时有发生,使作帐工作更加复杂,呈报准确库存资金和汇总某一期资金流动情况,其统计工作更是十分困难。医疗质量的提高和重病患者的抢救,与药品供应有着密切的关系。为了解决这个矛盾,实现科学化、现代化的医院药房管理,就必须设计开发药房管理信息系统,并用于实践计算机进行信息管理与信息管理系统的开发密切相关,系统的开发是系统管理的前提。本系统就是为了管理好药房信息而设计的 本软件选择了VFP6.0作为编程工具,来编写医药药房管理系统,利用软件工程原理,采用面向对象的编程方法,其开发主要包括后台数据库的建立和维护以及前端应用程序的开发两个方面,实现了医药药房管理的自动化和信息化。 关键词: 信息管理系统;数据库;vfp;医药药房管理 Abstract The modern era is the era of rapid development of the information age. In each of the industry can not be separated from the processing of information that is widely used in computers and information management system causes. The greatest advantage of the computer is that it can use for information management. Use the computer to control information, not only to improve efficiency, but also greatly improved its security. Especially for complex information management, computer full play to its advantages. Hospital pharmacy is the busiest one of the department, or hospital outpatient pharmacies, is faced with a lot of prescriptions of the patients and their families, staff are busy things work. Various causes of drug errors not timely identified and corrected, and management of the confusion it is inevitable. Drugs major hospital pharmacies voluminous. procurement and payment of accounts registration is a very cumbersome thing and the price of drugs regularly adjusted, return it happens from time to time. make account for more complex work, accurate summary of stock funds and a particular phase of the movement of funds, their statistical work is very difficult. Improving the quality of medical care


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