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Orwell’s 1984 外国语学院10英语B班 程志浩 2010040102029 Question 1: What makes your wonder in this book? Why? What confuses you in this book? Besides Animal Farm, 1984 is the second novel of George Orwell’s I have read. Comparing with Animal Farm, 1984 is more political and more penetrating. In the novel, there’s a sentence:” If there was hope, it lays in proles”. However, how about the proles? They are wild, and they are a wild power. Maybe the party can’t control them, but it can regard them as animals and say:”Proles and animals are free!” When I read the book, what impresses me most is the superiority of the party. It is invincible. “Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past.” Nevertheless, it is the party who controls the present, that is to say, it controls everything anytime. It always makes up lies and changes the history to maintain its own status. What’s more, it doesn’t give its members freedom. Even their marriages must have a recognized purpose which is to beget children for the service of the party. Besides, the party also wants to narrow the range of thoughts by using a new language called Newspeak. To be a member of such a party, he must be very sensitive. Every day even every minute, he is in the danger of being accused of conspiracies. For example, Winston-who believes nobody-always, thinks that people who are close to him must be a spy or an agent. Thus, he misunderstands Julia who is crazy about him. How silly he is! I am moved when Julia and Winston say they won’t betray each other. It’s hard for people to have a real love under that circumstance because the party will use all means to let them surrender! The last but not the least point I want to say is about truth. As we all know, two plus two makes four. It’s a truth. But if the party says it’s five rather than four, then they have to follow it. Or else, they will bear the unbearable pain until they change the truth into a lie. So when reading th


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