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毕 业 论 文 论文题目 云南省烟草产销过程中烟农利益问题研究 学 院 经济管理学院 专业年级 农林经济管理02级 中文摘要 烟草产业是国内唯一实行国家专卖制度的行业,在这个国家垄断行业中,工商企业获得超额利润,国家获得高额税收。然而,处于产业最底层的烟农,其利益却长期被忽视。 目前,国内关于烟草行业的研究多站在国家或烟草工业企业的角度,真正从烟农角度来关注烟农利益的研究很少。因此,本文以中国烟草大省——云南为研究对象,从烟农的角度来探讨烟叶产业链中烟农的利益问题。文中着重分析了影响烟农收益的主要因素以及烟叶产销过程中的利益分配格局。通过分析,笔者发现,烟农的人均纯收益很微薄,并且烟农与烟草公司间的利益分配十分不合理。但是,大部分烟农并没有放弃种植烟叶。为了寻找背后的原因,本文用委托-代理机制分析了烟草公司与国家及烟农间的委托代理关系,认为烟草公司与烟农之间信息严重不对称以及监督者缺位是造成烟农利益受到侵害的根本原因,而国家为获得稳定的高额利税收入,在烟草公司和烟农的权衡上更倾向于公司,从而促使烟农利益长期受到忽视。 关键词:烟叶产业,影响因素,利益分配,委托-代理关系 Abstract Tobacco industry is the only industry that has a state monopoly system in China. In the industry, the tobacco manufacturers and businesses reap excessive profits, and the state also gained tremendous benefits from the high tobacco tax. However, the interests of peasants who are in the bottom of the tobacco industry has long been neglected. Currently, domestic researches on tobacco industry are mainly on the perspective of the state and manufacturers, and the real concern on the interests of peasants is little. Thus, this paper takes Yunnan province as the research subject to study the main factors that affect peasants ’interests and the distribution pattern of the benefits in tobacco industry .Through the analysis, the writer finds the interests that peasants gain is very poor and the benefit distribution between tobacco businesses and peasants is remarkably unreasonable. In order to find the veiled reasons, the writer analyses the principal-agent relationship between tobacco businesses and the state, and the principal-agent relationship between the tobacco businesses and peasants. Through the study, the writer finds serious asymmetry of information and the absence of supervisors is the essential reasons why the interests of peasants is violated. And to obtain stable profits and tax income, the state tends to be partial to businesses, which leads to the benefits of peasants being neglected for long time. Key words: tobacco


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