中翻英练习(Book 4).doc

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中翻英练习(Book 4)

Unit 1: 但他没有料到在莫斯科他会遭遇劲敌——俄罗斯阴冷凄苦的寒冬。 But he was not prepared for the devastating enemy that met him in Moscow – the raw, bitter, bleak Russian winter. 大军紧追不舍,但它的长驱直入很快由于粮草运输缓慢而停顿下来。 The Grand Army followed, but its advance march soon became bogged down by slow-moving supply lines. 在别列兹那河,俄国人焚烧了涨水的河道上的桥梁,差点将后撤的法军困于河边。 At the Berezina River, the Russians nearly trapped the retreating French by burning the bridges over the swollen river. 苏联领导人约瑟夫·斯大林被打了个措手不及,他指示全国人民在德国入 侵者到来之前实行“焦土”政策。 Caught off guard by the invasion, Soviet leader Joseph Stalin instructed the Russian people to “scorch the earth” in front of the German invaders. 他知道俄罗斯人民会为保卫祖国而奋勇抵抗,并为此做好了准备。 He was prepared for the fierce resistance of the Russian people defending their homeland. 正当俄罗斯军队集聚兵力之时,法国人却不得不逃离俄国,以避免注定的失败。 As the Russian army was gathering its strength, the French had to flee Russia to avoid certain defeat. 斯大林格勒一战的失利最终使希特勒走向穷途末路。部分地由于俄罗斯的冬季,德国人走向失败了。 The loss of the battle for Stalingrad finally turned the tide against Hitler. The German victories were over, thanks in part to the Russian winter. 拿破仑顺利进入莫斯科,然而,对该市的占领成为毫无意义的胜利。 Napoleon had a clear path to Moscow, but the occupation of the city became an empty victory. 法国士兵拖着脚步行进,一路上留下无数死尸。 The French soldiers dragged on, leaving the dead along every mile. Unit 3: 这样我就只剩一个问题要问了。 That left me with only one other question. 我们在观看世界级音乐家或顶尖运动员的表演时,看到的并不是使他们变成出类拔萃人物的长年苦练。 When we watch a world-class musician or a top athlete, we don’t see the years of preparation that enabled him or her to become great. 当时情况也的确如此。 And that’s how it worked out. 要知道,所谓目标就是有最后限期的梦想:写成文字,可测量,可确认,可实现。 You see, a goal is a dream with a deadline: in writing, measurable, identifiable, attainable. 他就是一个生动的例证,说明你总是可以争取到成功的机会。 He’s living proof that you can always shift the odds in your favor. 然后就出发,在雪地上留下你自己的足迹。 Then go out and make your own tracks in the snow. 不久前一个新近毕业的大学生到我办公室来谋求一份销售工作。我问他为这次面试做过哪些准备。 When a recent college graduate came into my office not too lon


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