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大 连 民 族 大 学 本 科 毕 业 设 计(论 文) 基于Linux系统的五子棋游戏开发 学 院: 信息与通信工程学院 (系)专 业: 通信工程 学 生 姓 名: 隋志浩 学 号: 2012136219 指 导 教 师: 姚远 评 阅 教 师: 完 成 日 期: 2016年06月15日 大连民族大学 摘 要 五子棋是一种两人对弈的纯策略型棋类游戏,通常对战双方分别使用黑色与白色两种棋子,下在棋盘上横向、纵向和对角线方向,最先完成5枚棋子相连的一方获得胜利。它最开始出现于古代中国,中期经高丽(朝鲜)传入日本得到了长足发展,在欧洲倍受人们的青睐。是一种极具趣味性和消遣性的游戏,其游戏规则通俗易懂,但游戏对战中棋局变化无常、难以捉摸,深受广大人们的喜爱。五子棋不仅能开发智力,锻炼我们的逻辑思维,而且蕴涵为人处事的道理,有助于磨炼我们的心性。 随着游戏行业正在逐渐成熟并多元化,各种类别的游戏被安装进计算机中,前途一片光明。Linux操作系统图形化界面的出现,其使用越来越广泛。然而,Linux环境下的游戏处于一种缺乏状态,当你在Linux下工作的时候,休息期间玩一下游戏也是一种放松的方式。 本系统的设计要求是一个能在Linux操作系统下运行,界面美观运行稳定且将来可能用于嵌入式移植的游戏。Linux操作系统为平台,使用GTK技术实现五子棋游戏的功能;通过Linux系统编程,GTK编程技术,五子棋游戏算法来实现趣味性地人机对战。 关键词:Linux操作系统;GTK;五子棋游戏;人机对战 Gobang game development based on Linux system Abstract Gobang is a game of pure strategy type two game,The two sides were usually use black and white pieces,Cross point on the chessboard line and horizontal line on the first 5 sub line wins. It originated in ancient China, the medium-term development in Japan, popular in Europe. The gobang is one kind the game which is widely liked the populace, its rule is simple, changeable, extremely rich interesting and recreational. Gobang is a puzzle game, it can enhance players thinking ability, improve intelligence, and high in philosophy, helps to one’s self-cultivation. With the game industry is gradually mature and diversified, the future is bright, Linux operating system graphical interface, it is used more and more widely, however, under the environment of Linux game in a lack of state, when you in Linux work during rest play the next game is a relaxed way. The design requirements of the system is a Linux operating system to run and the interface is beautiful and stable operation and the future may be used for embedded transplant games.Linux operating system as a platform, using GTK technology to achieve Gobang game; through the Linux system programming,


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