针对雅思作文Task 2审题深度剖析.doc

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针对雅思作文Task 2审题深度剖析

针对雅思作文Task 2审题深度剖析 朗阁海外考试中心 雅思写作的Task 2部分在官方给出的Band descriptors的Band 7和Band 6中,明确提出了关于LR的要求:Uses a sufficient range of vocabulary to allow some flexibility and precision. Uses less common lexical items with some awareness of styles and collocation. (7) / ses an adequate range of vocabulary for the task. Attempts to use less common vocabulary but with some inaccuracy. (6) 和GRA的相关要求ses a variety of complex sentences. (7) / Uses a mix of simple and complex sentence forms. (6) 但是学生始终有个理解的误区:在书写段落时再注意语法和词汇。其实不然当学生看到题目的瞬间就要先做好以下几项工作: 关键词(一)找到需要同转换的单词:形容词、动词 请看这个题目:Some people believe governments should spend money on measures of languages with few people from dying out completely. Others think this is a waste of financial resources. Discuss both views and give your opinions. 考生们可以把题目中的类似于这样的单词出来并同改写们,因为在接下来的开头段或段落中心句或结尾段用到单词的同义改写: spend—fund/ finance/ launch somewhat sum of fund/ invest dying out—be endangered/ be likely to vanish/ tend to disappear a waste of financial resources—it is no use doing/ meaningless/ make no sense/ uselessness 关键词(二)变换句式 备考雅思的过程中,相信绝大多数学生仅仅一味备素材而忽视了语法的重要性事实上们在考场上的理想分数的取得语法的重要性是不容忽视的事实上常用的语法无非以下这些A. 动名词或不定式:Utilizing/ To utilize modern biological technology seems to be valid to respond to severe environmental issues across the globe. B. 形式主语系列: It is adj. for sb. to do sth. It is of great necessity/ importance/ value/ significance/ for sb. to do sth It is universally accepted that… It is generally acknowledged that… It is evident/ obvious that… It is common sense that… C. 独立主格 Living in rural area, children fail to/ are incapable of access to modern technology for education. Exposed to severe mudslide, populace in SICHUAN province are forced to leave their hometown although they have dwelled for generations to generations. D. 倒装句 Through such means/ approaches/ ways/ tactics is the authority /government/ likely to address the issue with seeming ease/ successfully/ easily. Only in this way… Not only does candy have a free talk with her son, but


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