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生物技术通报 BIO TE CHN OLOG Y B ULLETIN 2010 4 F81 汤鸣强 曾小芳 (, 350300) : 对米曲霉菌种 F81所产中性蛋白酶进行分离纯化经过硫酸铵分级 淀, DEAESepharose Fast F low 阴离子交 换层析和 SephacrylS200 凝胶过滤层析后, 得到 一种电泳纯的中性蛋白酶, 纯化倍数为 263 倍, 活性回收率为 67 % 经 SDS AGE 电泳测定其相对分子质量约为 734 kD : 米曲霉 中性蛋白酶 分离纯化 Studies on Separation and Purification of Neutral Protease from Asp erg illus oryae F81 TangM ingqiang Zeng Xiaofang (Department of B iology and Chem istry Eng ineering, Fuqing Branch of Fuj ianNormal University, Fuqing 350300) A bstrac:t The separation and purification of a neutralprotease from sp erg illus oryae F81w as studied. A single neu tralprotease w as purified to hom ogeneity using ammon ium su lfate precip itation, DEAESepharose Fast F low an ion exchange chrom atography and sephacrylS200 gel filtration. This purification protocol resulted in a 263 fold purification of neutral proteasew ith 67% final yield , and the relative molecu lar w eight of the enzym e was determ ined to be approxmi ately 734 kD using SDSAGE. K ey w ords: sperg illus oryae Neu tral protease Separation and purification , m in: 1 ! [ 1] 8 , 10 /mL, 2 mL [ 2] , 30 72 h , , 12 试剂和仪器 FDA 40 Sepharose Fast Flow, SephacrylS200 harmacia [ 3] , ; F81, ; L; Folin [ 4] , ; ,


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