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第 36 卷 第 8 期 电 网 技 术 Vol. 36 No. 8
2012 年 8 月 Power System Technology Aug. 2012
文章编号:1000-3673 (2012 )08-0140-05 中图分类号:TM 714 文献标志码:A 学科代码:470·4054
(山东大学电气工程学院,山东省 济南市 250061 )
Design of Cloud Computing Architecture for Distributed Load Control
LIU Meng, CHU Xiaodong, ZHANG Wen, FENG Zongying
(School of Electrical Engineering, Shandong University, Ji’nan 250061, Shandong Province, China)
ABSTRACT: Loads with energy storage property possess the 行状态传输至调度中心,并解析由调度中心下达的负荷控制
potential to provide reserve and participate in power balance 指令。设计了一种云计算平台构架,将负荷分布式递阶控制
for power systems. To improve the control precision and 结构以扁平化计算模式实现,云计算平台直接响应由负荷、
reduce negative effects on users, a cloud computing 负荷聚合层和调度中心提出的服务请求。在 Cloudsim 软件
architecture is proposed for distributed load control. In the 下模拟了负荷分布式控制的云计算平台构架,量化多种可控
adopted distributed load control strategy, measurement data 负荷的云计算和存储任务量。仿真结果表明,云计算平台计
and control demands are transferred among loads, load 算速度快、存储能力强、易于扩展,能够适应负荷分布式控
aggregators and the dispatch center. The load aggregators are 制的要求。
responsible for coordinating loads and the dispatch center, 关键词:负荷控制;备用;分布式控制;云计算
transmitting aggregated operating states of various load
0 引言
groups to the dispatch center and explaining load control
demands assigned from the dispatch center. A cloud 负荷作为备用容量资源参与系统功率平衡控
computing architecture is designed to implement the 制,特别在应对小概率高风险事故时,可发挥重大
distributed hierarchical control structure of load by flattening 作用[1-4
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