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17 5 V o.l 17, No. 5 2008 10 JOURNA L OF NATURAL D ISA STER S O ct. , 2008 : 1004-4574 2008) 05- 0047- 05 乔建平, 杨宗佶 , 6 1004 1) : , , = / 100 , G IS ) , 5, : ; ; ; : P642. 22 : A Determ ination of landslide developm ent topography factors in Three Gorges Reservoir area by using contributing rate m ethod Q IAO Jian-p ing, YANG Zong-ji Inst itute of M ountain H azard and Environm en t, C h inese A cadem y of S cien ces M in istry of W ater Con servancy, Chengdu 6 1004 1, Ch in a) Abstract: T he quant itat ive determ ination of env ironm enta l background factors o f landslide grow th is an mi portant as- pect in landslide developm en t research. T his paper u ses contributing ra te m ethod, .i e. contr ibuting rate o f factors is egua l to contributing rate index / tota l contribu ting rate 100% . B ased on G IS techno logy, the reg iona l correlation betw een the landslide inm ain landslide segm ent o f Three Gorges and the env ironm enta l background factors w ere de- term ined statistica lly, and the values o f contribu ting rate of 5 prmi ary factors, .i e. stratum, gradient, slope shape, re lative he igh t o f slope and aspect o f slope w ere obtained and the contributing rate range o f each factors landslide grow th w ere eva luated. K ey words: contributing rate; T hree Gorges Reservo ir; landslide; factor 40% ) , , , CDM I ) 100km, 40km 205 20 70 G IS 120 )15, , , 15 25m 25m ), 744 , 2 4 650km , , , : 2007- 09- 11; : 2007- 12- 06 : 2006BAC 04B05 ) : 1953- ) , , , . E - ma i:l jpq iao@ mi de. ac. cn 48


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