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现行建设监理制度的弊端及改进措施 Deficiencies and Improvement Measures of the Current Construction Supervision System [摘要]本文分析了建设工程监理制度,作为建设行业改革的一项重要成果,在中国产生的历史根源,以及实行这一制度的意义。经过十多年的实践证明,工程建设监理制度的建立对控制投资、保证工期、确保质量都发挥了积极的作用,己经成为推动建筑业发展不可缺少的重要因素。根据个人建设工程监理的理论知识,进一步分析这项制度的推行和发展进程的基础上,指出了目前我国实行的建设工程监理制度尚存在的诸多问题。 首先,从建设工程监理相关的概念分析入手,从源头上弄清用语的混乱和模糊,通过国内外监理现状的分析与比较,对国内监理人的服务内容和执业范围问题的探讨,提出了“狭义的建设监理”和“广义的建设监理”,以及我国的工程建设监理概念与国外的咨询顾问业的相关性,以及监理工程师、咨询工程师、监理人间的相互关系。分析建设工程监理与工程咨询,建设工程监理与项目管理的关系及区别。 然后,通过对我国实行建设监理制度的思考,系统地分析了当前困扰我国建设事业发展的主要问题及其成因。 最后,结合我国市场经济发展和建筑市场与国际接轨的总体要求,着重探讨了我国健全和完善我国建设监理制度的主要对策和措施。 关键词:监理制度;建设工程监理This article analyzes the historical origin and the implementation significance of the construction supervisory system in China as an importance accomplishment of the reform in construction industry. More than a decades practice has proved that the establishment of construction supervisory system has displayed positive affect on controlling investment, ensuring time limit of projects and assuring quality. The supervisory system has become an indispensable key factor to promote the development of construction industry. Based on a further analysis of the practice and development course of this system, the writer pointed out the various problems still existing in the current construction supervisory system in China. Firstly, the analysis of supervision starts from conceptions related to construction supervision and tries to clarify the confusion and ambiguity of technical terms from their origins. By analyzing and comparing the present situations of supervision home and abroad and by probing into the service items and business scope of home supervisors, the articles puts forward concepts such as “construction supervision in the narrow sense”, “construction supervision in the broad sense”, the correlativity between the engineering construction supervision in China and consultancy industry abroad, as well as the interrelation among supervisory engineers, consultant engineers and super


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