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2006英语国家概况同步练习 第1章 Land and People1. The official name of the United Kingdom is -DA A. Britain B. England C. The British Isles D. The United kingdom of Great Britain and north Ireland 2. The largest, richest and most population part of the island of Great Britain is—A A. England B. Scotland C. Wales D. Northern Ireland 3. There are ---- member countries within the Commonwealth of NationsA A. 50 B. 55 C. 40 D. 45 4. The two large islands that make up the British Isles are---B A. England and Scotland B. Great Britain and Ireland C. Wales and Scotland D. England and Ireland 5. Britain’s longest river is ----B A. the Thames B. the Clyde C. the Seven D. the Humber 6. Most of Northern Ireland people are -C-- A. non-religious B. Catholics C. Protestants D. Jewish 7. The capital of Northern Ireland is ----A A. Belfast B. Dublin C. Glasgow D. Liverpool 8. Some of Scots still speak Gaelic which is an ancient --D---language A. Scottish B. Welsh C. Irish D. Celtic 9. The immigrants coming to Britain are mainly from-C-- A. America B. East Europe C. the west Indies, India and Pakistan D. Africa 10.The largest lake in the British Isles isC— A. Loch Lomond B. Lough Neagh C. Windermere D. Ullswater 名词解释 1 . (本题10分)名词解释:the English channel 2 . (本题10分)(名词解释)the Lake District 简答题 3 . (本题5分)what is the four political divisions of the UK? 4 . (本题5分)From what language is English derived? 5 . (本题5分)What type the climate does Britain have? 6 . (本题5分)Who were the ancestors of the modern Welsh? 7 . (本题5分)What is the population of the United Kingdom in 1990? 回答问题 8 . (本题15分)Say something about Britain immigrants 章节习题详解 I.1----5 .D. A. A. B. C. 2----10.CADBC II .1.They are England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. 2. English is mainly derived from the Anglo-Saxon and Norman-French languages. 3.Britain has a maritime climate with a warm winter, a cool summer and a steady reliable rainfall. 4.The ancestors of Mordern Welsh are Britons, one branch of the Celts. 5.The po


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