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企业年轻员工管理探析 [摘要] 年轻员工是全社会高度关注的群体,年轻的他们已经成为社会就业大军的主体。企业年轻员工有着不同于前辈们的人生观、世界观和价值观,呈现出个性张扬、思维活跃、热情奔放、真实自我等心理特点。由于在改革开放和计划生育的特殊背景下长大,他们的受教育程度高,各方面知识掌握的也比较多,成为年轻的知识型员工。年轻的他们一进入社会就给企业的人力资源管理带来了前所未有的挑战,对此企业管理者就必须正视年轻员工的工作特点,并采取多元化的管理方式,使年轻人潜质得到充分发挥,吸引并留住他们中的优秀人才,为企业创造新的绩效。本文通过分析企业年轻员工特点及在工作中的行为表现,结合文献资料和他们特殊的生活背景,讨论了如何对企业年轻员工进行合理化的管理。通过探讨得到的结论是:企业年轻员工是一个崇尚自由的群体,在管理过程中应重视年轻员工的差异化,采用制度管理与科学管理相结合的方法,使年轻员工把自己的人生目标与企业未来的发展结合起来,这对企业将来的生存与发展有着重要的意义。 关键词:企业管理 人事管理 [Abstract] new generation of young people is of great concern to the whole society groups, the young work force they have become the main New generation of young people with different predecessors of life, world outlook and values??, showing indulgent, thinking, active, passionate, authentic self and other psychological characteristics .Since the reform and opening up the special background of growing up and family planning, and their high level of education, master of all knowledge be more, as the young knowledge workers. The young into society give them a corporate human resources management with unprecedented challenges, which must face a new generation of business managers work characteristics of employees, and take a wide range of management, to enable young people into full play the potential to attract and retain their talents in order to create new business performance. This paper analyzes the characteristics of a new generation of young people at work and behavior, combined with the literature and their particular life context, to discuss how to rationalize the new generation of young staff management. By exploring the conclusion is: the new generation of young people is an advocate of free groups, in the management process should pay attention to differences in management of young employees, management and scientific management system using a combination of methods, so that younger workers to own life future development goals and business combination, which the enterprises survival and future development has an



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