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(20_ _届)  本科毕业设计 六角头螺栓的成型工艺分析与成型模具设计 I 摘 要 本次设计的课题是六角头螺栓的成型工艺分析与成型模具设计。六角头螺栓属于紧固件,在各个领域都有广泛应用。在设计过程中,通过查阅大量资料、手册、期刊等,结合教材上的知识对锻造模具有了系统的认识,拓宽了视野,丰富了知识,为将来独立完成模具设计积累了一定的经验。 设计过程包括设计准备、六角螺栓的制造工艺确定、模具设计、零件图的绘制和毕业设计论文的完成等五个环节。其中,六角螺栓的制造工艺确定和模具设计是重要环节。 在六角头螺栓工艺的确定过程中,主要对螺栓的算料、下料,尤其是加热规范进行了详细的分析,并且对六角的成型工步进行了计算。 在整个模具设计过程中,使用一模三腔的形式,涉及到了锻件的结构设计、平锻机的选择、镦粗比的确定、分型面的确定及型槽分布,其中,对锻件的局部镦粗规则进行的详细的分析,从而更准确的制造出模具的形状。 在模具设计过程中主要运用了 UG 6.0 模块来完成整个设计工作,此外还利用了 AutoCAD2004 软件进行装配图及零件图的绘制。 关键词:螺栓;加热规范 ;模锻;局部镦粗    II Hex head bolt forming process analysis and mold design Abstract This subject of this design is about the molding process analysis ofthe hex head bolt and its mold design. Hexagon head bolts are fastenerswidely used in various fields. During the designing process throughaccessing to a large amount of data manuals and journals I have asystematic knowledge of forging combined with the textual knowledgewhich helps to broaden the horizon and enrich the related knowledge ofmold design. It enables me to accumulate some experience of mold designin order to accomplish independently the design in the future. There are totally five procedures including design preparation amanufacturing process to determine the hex bolts mold design partmapping and the completion of designing thesis. Among them in thehexagonal bolt manufacturing process the main operation is thecalculation of the bolt material cutting especially a detailed analysisof heating rules. Whats more the work of the hexagon forming step werecalculated. In the entire mold design process by using a model with three cavitieswhich relates to the structural design of forging machine selection ofthe flat forging ratio determination of upsetting determination ofparting and distribution of groove. Moreover a more detailed analysisof the rules for forgings local upsetting is carried out thus a morecorrect shape of the mold is acquired. In the mold design process the function of the UG 6.0 module is appliedto complete the whole design. I


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