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. Teaching chapter Respiratory system Teaching hours 2 hours Teaching purposes And requirements -Understand the structure and function of the trachea. -Recognize the structural elements of the conducting and respiratory portions of the respiratory system. -Identify the branches of the bronchial tree and their relationship to blood and lymph vessels. -Understand the structure and function of the alveolar wall, (as seen in the light and electron microscopes), with special emphasis on the air-blood barrier, surfactant producing cells, and distribution of connective tissue fibers. -Recognize those cell types present in various parts of the respiratory system. -Understand the blood flow through the lungs including bronchial and pulmonary paths. Key and difficult points Key :1. Structure features of trachea. 2. Two portions and their structures of lungs.:pay more attention to the structure of alveoli, blood-air barrier Difficult points: Two portions and their structures of lungs Tools PPT, multimedia playing. Teaching procedure (一)????????????????????????????????? 5' (二)trachea and bronchus????????????????8' (三)lung??????????????????? ????????????????????????? 55' 1、The conducting portion2、The respiratory portio respiratory bronchiole: 2) alveolar duct: alveolar sac: 4) alveoli: 3、alveolar septum 理论课讲稿(范例) 讲 授 内 容 注 解 一、Basic structure of respiratory system:?????????????????????????? The respiratory system is uniquely designed to extract oxygen from ambient air and remove waste gases from the body. The respiratory system consists of a conducting portion and a respiratory portion. The conducting portion of the respiratory system includes the nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses, nasopharynx, larynx, trachea, and bronchi. The conducting portion, from the nostrils to the lungs, provides a passageway for air and functions to condition the incoming air, by warming, moistening and cleaning it. The respiratory portion


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