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目 录 摘 要: 1 0 前言 2 1集成电路产品和微电子技术的发展 2 1.1集成电路产品类型的发展规律 3 1.2微电子技术和设计方法学 5 2 SOC与IP 7 2.1 SOC概述 7 2.2 IP重用设计方法学 9 3在我国发展IP—SOC产业的意义 9 4当代集成电路设计方法学 10 4.1集成电路设计方法学发展历程 11 4.2基于平台的设计方法学 14 4.3基于平台的设计的流程 16 4.4集成电路设计的几项原则 19 5 结论 21 参考文献 21 集成电路设计方法学研究 摘 要: 当今微电子工业的产值占世界经济总产值的4%,已经是全世界最大的产业。预测表明,在今后的25年里,更将占到世界总产值的8%。 像所有迅速发展的事物一样,发展产生了分工,更细的分工又推动着更高速的发展。作为微电子技术的一个分支微电子设计业的分工也在进行着细化,其中最引人注目的是,设计公司逐步划分为可重用功能模块设计和系统集成类。功能块电路(IP,Intellectual Property)基本上是中、小规模设计,这与我国目前的微电子设计能力有比较好的衔接,适合我国目前的国情。 集成电路设计主要分为数字集成电路设计和模拟集成电路设计。数字集成电路技术在现代电子系统中得到了广泛的应用,同时也带动了模拟集成电路技术的发展,从而实现芯片更复杂的功能并获得更高的速度和可靠性。但是由于模拟集成电路设计自动化程度落后于数字集成电路,模拟电路的设计更依赖于工程师的智力,这对模拟集成电路设计方法学和模拟IP设计技术的研究提出了更高的挑战。 关键词: 集成电路;微电子;半导体;数字;模拟;设计方法学 Research on Integrated Circuit Design Methodology Abstract: Nowadays microelectronic industry has become the biggest one of whichproduction value occupies 4 percent of the whole world.The forecast indicates thatits value will reach to 8 percent. Like all the rapidly developing things,development produces division of workand more specific division drive much faster development.The division of microelectronic design industry is also under the way,which is a branch of microelectronic technology.The most attractive one is that design companies grow into two categories--IP(Intellectual Property)block design and system integration.Since the scale of IP block is mainly small or middle,this has a better interfacewith national design capability and fit for the present situation of our country. IC(Integrated Circuit)design is divided into digital and analog.Design technology of digital IC is widely used in modern electronic system,which drives the advancement of analog IC design technology;consequently,chip can be implemented with more complex functionality,higher speed and reliability.Because automation degree of analog IC design is far from that of digital IC design, analog design depends on the intelligence much more,which makes analog IC design flow and IP design technology fac


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